Spare The Pain - Ch. 8: Confession But Not To Him

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After six more hours of playing games and such, the group had gone to sleep. It was 3am when Armin woke up. The blond got up and looked around at his friends before leaving the room. He made his way into the kitchen, where he got a glass and filled it with water. His thoughts wander back to the events that have happened earlier. Remembering all the dares were hard since it's been at least three hours since they played the game. But remembering the dares the blond had with the brunette were no problem.

Armin sighed. Why couldn't he get the memory of Eren out of his head? He tried pushing it to the back of his head multiple times, but no matter what, his love for the brunette kept growing. The situation was just going to get worse if he keeps doubting the outcome they'll have if they love each other again. The blond don't want it to end up like it did two years ago. He didn't want the brunette to keep playing with his feelings anymore. But no matter how hard Armin tried to conceal his feelings and lock them away, he yearned for the four words to spill from Eren's lips.

As the blond drank his water, he couldn't hear the soft footsteps that were carrying a person into the kitchen. The person was none other than Mikasa Ackerman, Eren's adopted sister. She peeked into the kitchen since she had seen the bedroom door open and the lights on. The first thing he saw, was the back of her childhood friend. The raven haired girl watched as the blond set down a glass. She took a silent deep breath before entering the kitchen. Mikasa tapped Armin's shoulder, making the boy turn around - startled.

"Sorry," Mikasa apologized.

"It's fine. What are you doing up?" Armin asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," Mikasa stated, crossing her arms.

"I woke up and got thirsty, the cliché reason," Armin answered his own question, chuckling.

"I woke up and saw the door open and lights on," Mikasa replied with her own answer.

The two smiled at each other. Their silence didn't last long.

"What do you think of Eren?" Mikasa questioned her friend.

Armin was caught off guard by the sudden topic. He didn't want to answer, but it was rude to not answer Mikasa's questions.

"I think he's a great guy," Armin lied. 'I think he's the best.'

"No. I mean as in a... Lover," Mikasa corrected her question. "Do you love Eren? I won't tell him, promise."

Armin hesitated, but his answer came.

"I love him, Mikasa. I really do, but I don't want to. I want him to be mine again, but I don't want him anywhere near me. Craving someone's touch is really hard to control when you're forced to share a bedroom," Armin confessed.

"Then why not just tell him? Confess and get it all out? Why do you push him away in such harsh words?" Mikasa questioned.

"I don't want a repeat of a couple months ago," Armin simply said.

"Y'know, I wasn't here a couple months ago. Remember, I was spending the year with my grandparents? Before I left, you two were together... But when I came back, it's like you two didn't know each other. So tell me, what happened?" Mikasa stated.

"Well... We went to a party, all of us. By then, Eren and I had been dating for two years. So, Eren and I stuck together the first few hours, but Sasha and Connie eventually took him away. I stayed with Krista until the others came and got us. We were taken to a separate room with quite a lot of people sitting in a large circle. There was a large glass bottle in the center, once everyone sat down, the game began. After someone spun the bottle, whoever the bottle landed on, the two had to go into the closet for seven minutes. Once it was Eren's turn, it landed on this kid named Thomas.

I didn't expect for Eren to actually do something in the closet. But once the door opened, Thomas was practically shirtless, his pants were unzipped and both of them were panting. The minute Eren saw me, his eyes went wide and he got out of the closet. I left the room, almost running with Eren chasing after me. I never thought cliché endings were real until it started to rain went I left the house. When Eren caught up, he tried to explain but I didn't let him. I didn't want to hear any of it. So I walked home alone, in the pouring thunderstorm... In fear," Armin explained, on the verge of tears.

Mikasa didn't reply right away. She didn't want to say the typical 'I'm sorry', she doesn't pity her friends like that. She doesn't pity anyone, no matter how bad things were. Mikasa took a deep breath before placing a hand on Armin's shoulder and pulling him in for a hug.

"Confess to him. Tell him everything and make it all come true. Even if it all comes crashing down once again, enjoy what you can. Let him be yours, let yourself be his. Don't hold back. No matter how bad things get, Eren will always love you. And you'll always love him. "

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