Spare The Pain - Ch. 4: Settled Argument

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The boys had gotten a bit soaked as they ran to enter Eren's house. Eren closed the door and the two walked into the living room. In the den, there sat four adults - Eren's parents and Armin's parents.

"Good, you're both here," Carla Yeager spoke.

"What's so important that you couldn't tell me over the phone?" Armin asked his parents.

Both mothers patted the spots next to them and their sons sat down.

"So, maybe you were already told... But the four of us had made an arrangement for the two of you to get married," Armin's mother explained.

"What's that about? Why did you do that?" Eren asked.

Both boys turn to face Eren's mother as she spoke.

"We know how the two of you were happy together, and I'm speaking for everyone when I say that seeing you two like that, was one of the best times of our lives too," Carla explained.

"Guys, I have a boyfriend," Armin argued.

"Armin, are you sure about that?" Eren questioned his ex.

Eren and Armin lock eyes for a minute before Armin shakes his head.

"I don't even know," Armin confessed.

"Aww, honey, did something happen with Jean?" Armin's mother asked.

"Heh, kind of," Armin nodded.

There was silence but it didn't last long.

"Well, there's more than just the marriage to this, boys," Eren's father announce.

"There is?" Both Armin and Eren ask, looking at their parents.

"Armin, you're mother and I were planning on moving but since we already made the plans for the wedding, we thought that it'd be a good idea if you stayed here with Eren," Armin's father informed.

"W-wait, you were planning on moving without telling me!?" Armin exclaimed.

"We were originally planning for all three of us to move, Armin. Please don't take it the wrong way," Armin's mother pleaded.

"Armin, you're welcome here. This is something you have to accept. We know you two are old enough to make your own decisions, but we wanted to make this one," Carla explained.

"I'm not going to accept the fact that my parents are basically abandoning me!" Armin shook his was. "I'm not even going to talk about this anymore."

The blond door up and left the living room. He made his way to the front door and let himself out of the house. His action was a mistake because it was still pouring and there was a clap of thunder. The blond jumped. quickly opening the door and entering the house again. He stood in the doorway of the living room and everyone tried to hold in their laughter. Armin had gotten soaked.

"This is not funny!" Armin whined.

A laughing Eren stood up and walked over to Armin. Eren hugged Armin but Armin don't hug back.

"This isn't funny, Armin," Eren agreed. "It's hilarious."

There was another clap of thunder. Due to Armin's fear, the thunder made him jumped and hug Eren. Armin held on tightly to his friend, thinking that it'd help him get rid of the thunder. There was a group of aww's as the two hugged. There was another boom and Armin gripped tighter onto Eren's shirt.

"Don't leave me," Armin whimpered.

"I won't," Eren promised.

After a minute, someone coughed - making the boys pull away. The two turned to their parents to see that Armin's parents had stood up.

"Armin, you can't argue about our choice. It's settled and also because we already packed for you. Your bags are in Eren's room," Armin's mother stated.

"You could've at least informed me about moving," Armin said.

"We're sorry we didnt, but we didn't want to upset you," his father explained.

"I'll miss you guys," Armin cried as he hugged his parents.

"We'll visit on your birthdays and holidays," Armin's father assured.

"And we most certainly won't miss the wedding. Armin, we want you to be happy," Armin's mother added.

After a couple more goodbyes, Armin's parents left. Eren wrapped an at around his ex lover's shoulders.

"We'll leave you two to yourselves. We love you like a son, Armin. Please accept what has happened," Carla insists.

The boys nod and Eren's parents go upstairs into their bedroom. Eren sighed and so did Armin.

"Let's go to m- our room," Eren suggested.

"Eren, don't leave me alone at all tonight. You know how I'm afraid of thunderstorms," Armin pleaded.

"I won't," Eren assured.

The boys went upstairs and into Eren's room. Soon after, they heard the front door open and knew that Mikasa was home. Eren sat on his bed as he watched Armin dig through his bags. Finally, Armin had some new clothes in his hands, he set them on Eren's dresser.

"I'm going to take a bath," Armin informed his soon-to-be-husband.

Eren nodded and watched Armin go into the bathroom Eren had in his room. With a smirk, Eren got up and looked through his drawers. After taking out new clothes, Eren set them next to Armin's. The brunette heard the water run and later turn off. He knew that Armin had already gotten in the tub, so he opened the door to the bathroom. Armin looked up to see Eren, fully clothed and in the bathroom. The blond quickly covered himself which resulted for Eren to laugh.

"What're you doing in here?" Armin asked.

"You told me to not leave you alone at all tonight," Eren quoted. "No need to cover, I've seen it all before, remember? Besides, you're going to be my husband so I'm able to see you naked."

Armin pouted. He watched Eren who had taken off his shirt. Now, Eren was taking off his pants.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Armin exclaimed.

"I have to take a bath too, so why not. Besides, why would I just sit here and wait for you to finish because when you're done, you'd have to stay here," Eren explained. "Or will I be violating you?"

"No. I-I guess it fine..." Armin trailed off as he looked away from the brunette.

Eren finished stripping and informed Armin. Armin scooted forward in the tub, making room for Eren behind him. The brunette got in, his legs spread out and forward so Armin sat in between his legs. Eren wrapped his arms around Armin's waist and pulled him closer.

"I remember the first time we took a bath together," Eren broke the silence.

"Yeah. It's seems like it has been years," Armin agreed.

"I love you, Armin. I really still do. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you. And for all the pain I'm causing you," Eren confessedly apologized.

"Pain? I have already forgiven to for the past, but you're causing me pain now? Right now, all I feel is love," Armin informed. "Pure love that will never die. No matter what happens."

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