Spare The Pain - Epilogue

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Eren paced back and forth in the waiting room. He couldn't get it out of his mind, the fact that Armin had finally been found, but was found harmed. But the brunette was glad all together that he could finally be with his boyfriend again. Suddenly, a hand was placed on his shoulder. Eren looked to see Mikasa.

"You're going to break the floor," she bluntly stated.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really excited to see Armin, but worried of about what had happened!" Eren explained.

"Get your gay ass back on that chair, Eren, or I will make sure that you don't get to see your sunshine," Mikasa threatened.

Eren's eyes widened as he quickly nodded and raced back to his seat. He sighed and slumped down in the chair, Mikasa took the seat next to his. Their friends didn't come to visit Armin, so Mikasa was stuck babysitting Eren all alone. Mikasa took a deep breath, closing her eyes and trying to get some sleep since Eren had kept her up since he got the news of Armin's return, which was at 12a.m., and it was already 1p.m. But the minute Mikasa opened her eyes and looked over at Eren, he was gone.

Worried, she stood up and searched the waiting room. She went towards the door that led to the children's waiting area, wondering if Eren had gone in there. Mikasa found her brother sitting on the floor with a thin book in his hands, kids surrounding him. The raven found only one child with no hair on their head whatsoever, which made her heart sink, knowing why the child had no hair. The child was a girl and she wasn't sitting amongst the other kids, instead, she was sitting on Eren's lap. Mikasa smiled, she never thought she would see this side of Eren, the only side she saw when he was with Armin.

The minute Armin popped into Mikasa's mind, she went back to the other waiting area, incase Armin's nurse came back for Mikasa and Eren. Even though she couldn't see them in person anymore, Mikasa saw the picture of Eren with the girl in his lap in her mind. She smiled to herself, not feeling so bad anymore.

While Mikasa waited, Eren stood in a corner, his back facing the rest of the children's waiting area. You'd think that the room would be small with child-sized chairs, a table in the middle and a shelf in one corner with books and toys, but no. You could get lost in the big waiting area for the children.

". . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . Ready or not, here I come!" Eren informed loudly and cheerily as he turned around.

The brunette faced the large room with many hiding spaces. He sighed, knowing that it would take ten minutes to just find one kid. There were at least fifteen that were playing and a few were watching and giggling as they watched Eren search(secretly knowing where the rest of the kids are hidden).

Desperately, Eren searched everywhere. The kids who weren't playing had already gone crazy in laughter. They laughed as they watched Eren epically fail at finding a single child. The brunette frowned, about to his up until he heard faint giggling. He shushed everyone util there was no more noise. Then, the faint giggling came again. Quickly, he went towards the noise and came upon two large closet doors. Grinning, the brunette swung the doors open and all the small bodies came rushing out, making Eren fall back and onto the floor. Everyone laughed. Some said goodbye because they were leaving and the rest simply played with other kids or by themselves. But one little girl stood in front of Eren. It was the girl that sat on Eren's lap while he was reading to everyone.

"I'm Amelia," she greeted.

"I'm Eren," the brunette smiled.

"How old are you? I'm six," Amelia asked, as well as putting up six fingers for Eren to see.

"I'm seventeen," Eren replied.

"Why are you here, at the hospital?" Amelia questioned.

"I'm visiting my . . ." Eren hesitated. ". . . My boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? Does that mean that you like boys? I thought only girls have boyfriends. My mommy has one," Amelia frowned.

"Nope. Guys can have boyfriends too," Eren chuckled. "Well, Amelia, you know why I here, but why are you here?"

Amelia made eye contact with eren and smiled widely.

"I came to see my older brother! My mommy says that he just came back from . . . Uh, war, I think. Well, this is the very first time I'm meeting him and I'm seeing him at the hospital because he got hurt," Amelia explained happily.

Eren it up from the floor and went with Amelia to sit on the small chairs. Eren ended on he floor again because the chair was too small and uncomfortable. He sat, listening to Amelia talk about how she was excited to finally meet her brother. They sat together until Mikasa came in and told Eren that they were able to see Armin.

"Goodbye Eren, I'll miss you!" Amelia chirped.

"Goodbye, beautiful," Eren responded, kissing Amelia's forehead, causing her to giggle.

Eren followed Mikasa. They used an elevator to get to the fourth floor, since Eren was too lazy to use the stairs. The brunette took a deep breath before opening the door to room 325. The doctor greeted them an they greeted back. Eren didn't dare look at the blonde boy before the doctor finished speaking. Sure he was excited to finally see Armin again, but he wanted to know why Armin was harmed.

"Well, a guy, I believe his name was Alexander, brought Mr. Arlert here and said that he had gotten hit by a car," the doctor began. "Mr. Arlert has been here for the last two days and awoke just earlier today."

"Okay. Did something happen to Armin? Like an effect of the hit?" Mikasa asked.

"Ah, yes! Mr. Arlert has memory loss. He does not remember what he had been doing before he got hit. I not completely sure on how much of his memory he had lost, but I doubt he lost a lot, just, probably anything that has happen the last few months. Probably a few friends and such," the doctor informed.

This was when Eren finally dared to look at Armin. He was scared. Armin's eyes were staring right back at Eren, which made him ore nervous. The brunette walked closer to Armin while mikasa talked with the doctor.

"Hey . . . Armin . . . Remember me?" Eren asked.

Armin's mouth opened a bit, but he didn't speak. Silence continued between them until the door to the room closed, everyone knowing that the doctor had left and that Mikasa was watching the couple. Armin's voice was raspy.

"I'm sorry, but, who are you?"

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