Spare The Pain - Ch. 13 : Armin

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|Warning; very short chapter|

"Armin! Armin! Goddammit Armin, answer!"

The shouts kept being yelled from the other line, but the phone-booth telephone had already been dropped and was hanging from the cord. Not long after, the line went dead. The door to the booth was slightly swaying back and forth for it had been slammed open and hadn't closed.

"You bitch! Get back here!"

The person who yelled ran past the booth, not noticing that the person, the blonde, was hiding behind a bush near it. The person sighed with relief, watching the man run farther from the booth. He cautiously stood up and dusted the dirt from his pants, like it would help. He rummaged through his jean pockets, looking for extra change but found none. The blonde had no clue of his own whereabouts, only the reason why he was running.

After anther quick look around, the blonde walked back the way he came. He stared at his surroundings, curious about where he had been taken to since that day.. He shook his head, realising that the sky had darkened. Great, the blonde was cold, staving, thirsty, and was just about to get soaking. The blonde walked past people who were scurrying to find and go to a place with a roof for it started pouring rain. But the blonde didn't become the crowd, he kept walking, trying to avoid being pushed or shoved. But it didn't work. Soon enough, someone was running faster than everyone else and they had shoved into the blonde. The person didn't stop to apologise or realise that they had dropped their wallet.

The blonde took the chance and swiped the wallet, quickly shoving it into his back pocket before standing up, hoping not to get pushed back down again. But instead of going to return the wallet, like he would've done if he wasn't starving, he began to run, not noticing that earth had become foggy and he was only able to see clear from within twenty feet in front of him. Not even the traffic lights helped. People around him were turning on flashlights, either real ones or from their phones.

But it still wasn't enough light for when he ran. There was honking coming from a car and the wheels trying to skid to a stop. But it was too late. A scream or two were heard, but the blonde only heard one small, distant voice.


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