Spare The Pain - Ch. 9: Warm Loving Kisses

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It's been six hours since Eren, Armin and Mikasa left Sasha's house - they left at 12pm. Mikasa had gone over to Annie's house while Eren and Armin stayed home. Armin sat on the couch in the living room, reading a book. Eren sat on the couch next to Armin, staring at the blond.

"Armin? Are you done?" Eren asks.

"No, I'm not even halfway, Eren," Armin states.

"But you're supposed to be the smart one and get through a whole series in one hour!!!!" Eren whined.

"I'm not that fast... It takes me at least an hour and a half," Armin corrected the brunette, continuing to read.

"I know what else we can do that's fun," Eren smirked.

"And what would that be?" Armin questioned, closing the book he held.

"We can bake cookies!" Eren suggested joyfully, sounding like a child in a candy store.

Armin rolled his eyes but smiled anyway. Eren's face lit up with bliss as he stood up and grabbed Armin's hand, he pulled Armin off the couch. Armin dropped the book on the floor as he was dragged by Eren into the kitchen. Once they got in the kitchen, the boys took out the supplies that were needed to make the dough. Words didn't have to be said for them to know what to do.

Eren preheated the oven as Armin began to pour the need amount of flour into the bowl they were using. The blond then added baking soda and salt, whisking the ingredients together. The brunette went over to the counter and grabbed another bowl, he poured white and brown sugar into it. Eren then cracked the three eggs into the bowl, followed by some butter. The male then added some vanilla into his bowl. He then began to whisk the ingredients together.

Once the whisking was done, Armin happily poured his ingredients into Eren's bowl, mixing everything together. Eren took out a wooden spoon and handed it to Armin. Words didn't have to be exchanged between the two to make the moment perfecter. As Armin stirred the ingredients, Eren took out a small plastic container that contained chocolate chips, he opened the container and gladly ate one. Eren walked back over to Armin and set the chocolate chips next to the bowl that Armin held a firm grip on.

The brunette wrapped his arms around the blond's torso and hugged him tightly. Eren missed the times when Armin and him would just lay in bed and cuddle. When they were close to each other almost all the time. Inseparable. The times when Armin would kiss back immediately. When they'd go out on date almost every other day, clearing their schedules if they had plans.

"Eren?" Armin speaks up, snapping Eren back to earth.

"Hmm?" Eren hummed in reply.

"I'm done, can you let go?" Armin asked.

"Oh, uh, y-yeah," Eren nodded.

The brunette hesitantly let go of the blond. He watched Armin pour the batter on the cookie pan, then cautiously putting it in the oven. Once Armin closed the oven and turned around, he was greeted by arms wrapping around his waist and picking him of the ground. The blond let out a squeal of surprise and wrapped his arms around the brunette's neck. Armin looked into Eren's eyes as the brunette walked over and placed Armin so he sat on the counter.

Armin's hands went and cupped Eren's face, his expression softening as their eyes locked. Eren's hands travelled from Armin's legs to Armin's waist, not breaking their gaze. The blond couldn't hold it back. Armin leant down and soon pressed his lips to Eren's. Eren stood there, shocked, before kissing back. The kiss was filled with passion and warmth. It was short but sweet. When they pulled away, a smile formed on their lips.

"You know, I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with you," Armin stated.

"By that, you mean..." Eren trailed off, waiting for Armin to reply.

"I..." Armin trailed off himself.

Did he really want to tell Eren that he loved the brunette? When they're only 9 chapters into the book? Yes. Yes he did.

"I love you, Eren," Armin confesses.

"I've always loved you, Armin," Eren informs.

They stared at each other for a moment before Eren spoke again.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Eren questioned the blond.

"No," Armin shook his head.

Eren's expression saddened and Armin giggled.

"What I want to be, is your husband," Armin corrected.

Eren smiled and brought Armin down. Their lips connected once again. A sweet smell filling their noses as they pulled away.

"Be with me forever," Eren suggested.

"Forever is a long time, but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side."

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