Chapter Three

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     Before I had time to respond, mum called us for dinner. We went into the kitchen and sure enough my curly haired twin was sitting at the table. "How was shopping?" Harry asked me. "It was good!" I said, maybe to excitedly, sitting down. He chuckled a little, "Are you doing anything tonight?" "Um, no. Why?" I replied. "Well, my friends are throwing a party..." he said. I gave him a 'go on' look. "I'm inviting you to go with me," he said bluntly. "Oh, sure," I answered. "Its at 7," Harry said, walking out.

     I went back to my room and opened skype. I noticed Skyler was online, like usual, but I sent her a quick message instead, 'Heyy! I'll skype with you later! But I have exciting news about my twin!' Then I closed my laptop and took a shower. After my shower, I applied a little make up and put my hair in a braid. Then I just slipped into something casual and went to the living room.

     "Brooke! Its 6:45! We are going to be late!" Harry scolded, walking towards the door. "Sorry!" I replied, heading out. We got into Harry's black Mustang and drove off. He turned the radio on and sang along to 'Just Give Me a Reason.' I looked over at him. His voice filled the car. I couldn't believe I was in the car with my twin brother, Harry Styles, and he was singing! "Erm... Brooke? We're here..." Harry said. I felt my face get bright red. 'Was I really staring at him the whole time?' I thought. I got out and saw a fairly big house. We made our way to the front door. Harry just waltzed him like he owned the place. He immediately started talking to people and I was left, alone, with a crowd of British people who I didn't know. 

     I decided to go get something to drink. I made my way to the kitchen and got a water. "I don't think I know you," a guy slurred behind me. I turned to face him and could smell the alcohol on him. "Erm..." I said, not wanting to know him. "What's your name buttercup?" he said. "Brooke," I quickly replied, trying to get away. "Where do you think you're going?" he said, grabbing my wrist. I tried to pry his hand off of me, but it was no use. "Let go of me!" I pleaded. My eyes raced around the room,  searching for Harry. Finally, I found his curly hair. "Looking for someone?" the guy asked. "No," I said. "Looking for your boyfriend you came with?" he said. "No," I said, again. I thought about who he had mistaken for my boyfriend, "Ew," I whispered. He had looked behind him and I took a chance, I bit his wrist, then stomped on his shoe laces. "Ow!" he yelled, holding his wrist. I ran into the crowd of sweaty people and looked for Harry, but he wasn't anywhere.

     I made my way through the crowd and saw Harry talking to some girl. I went over to him, just as the girl left. "Hi Brooke! Are you having fun?" he asked. "Erm... sorta," I said. "Whats wrong?" he said pulling me aside. "Its just that I'm really tired from jet lag and I've been up late," I was cut off by Harry, "Brooke, if you want to go home, just say so!" I nodded. "Alright, lets go," Harry said, taking out his keys. I felt really bad for making Harry leave early, he seemed really excited to go. We got into his car and drove off. "Now, Brooke, why did you really want to leave?" Harry said, pulling over to a small diner. We got out and went in. "I told you. I'm tired," I replied. We sat down in a booth and a waitress came and took our order. Honestly I had no appetite, so I skipped out on food. Harry, on the other hand, practically ordered half the menu.

     "Hungry?" I asked. "Now, don't go changing the topic!" Harry said. "I already told," I was cut off, "You're lying," Harry said. "No I'm not..." I said, not making eye contact. "Just tell me, its not like I'm going to get mad at you!" Harry replied. I just looked around, trying to figure out how to word what happened. I decided to go sweet and simple. "There was a guy who was drunk and he was being a jerk, okay?" Harry's eyes widened, "Why didn't you come and get me?" "I couldn't find you," I lied. "You could have yelled my name!" Harry said, clearly angry. "Could you not hear the blaring music?" I replied. Harry stormed out of the diner. I quickly placed a 50 dollar bill on the table and went out after him. "Harry!" I said, grabbing his wrist. He turned to face me. "Its no big deal! Look, I'm fine!" I yelled. He clenched his fists, "Just forget about it." "What? 2 seconds ago you made me tell you why I wanted to leave, now you don't care?!" I replied, crossing my arms. "I said just forget abut it!" Harry said, getting in his car. He rolled down his window, "Come on!" Ugh, this boy is really getting on my nerves... 

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