Breathe Your Love

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Warning : This chapter doea contain sexual content.

On another note Enjoy :)

Video is Breathe Your Love by Jasmine V


My life at the moment is a complete and utter mess. I got slapped by my dad, left the only home I know, my boyfriend might be having a baby with his crazy ex, I have to sort my friendship with Cameron out, and to make things worst I'm currently on the phone with my pop pop getting yelled at. Fuck my life.

"Why you no tell me you left home?" My pop pop asked as soon as I answered the phone. I see he's still rude.

I sigh then say, "I left two days ago and I haven't really talked to anyone."

"Why is my daughter calling me in tears talking about you leave and dont tell anyone where you go?" I knew my,mom would be heartbroken. This is all my fault.

"I couldn't stay there with him anymore, especially not after he slapped me."

"He did what?!" Pop pop yelled into the phone. "No no no! I will kill that are con ch'kea!" I laughed. I know I shouldn't be laughing right now but whenever my pop pop curses in khmer its just hilarious. "Ary! Quit cursing in my home." I hear my grammy Lilly say in the background. "Whatever woman. Now back to you silly child, I want you at my home in an hour and your mom will be here too. If you dont come I will come to where ever you are and drag you here myself you understand."

"Yes old man."

"Hush you spoiled little brat." He says then hangs up in my face. I guess people dont say goodbye anymore.

I dig around in my bag for my car keys so I can leave school and head to my pop pop's when I suddenly lose my balance and fall straight on my ass in the parking lot. This is just great!

"Fuck!" I angrily shout which gains me a couple of stares." What the hell are you looking at?!" I continue to shout at the people staring who in return just shake their heads at me then walk away.

"Still crazy I see." I hear a familar voice say. I look up to see Chase smirking at me holding out his hand for me to take. I grab his hand and pull myself up then bend down to grab my bag, phone, and keys before turning back to Chase.

"Thanks." I say leaning against my car.

"No problem. Haven't seen you in a,while. How've you been?" He stuffs his hands into his pockets and stares at me waiting for an answer.

"I've been okay, happy to be out of the hospital and back to the craziness I call life." I chuckle dryly to myself while running my hand through my messy hair.

"You sure your okay? You look kind of stressed."

"Yeah im fine just got alot going on but I do need to talk to you so can you meet me at the park later?" I ask

"Sure. But what's the rush can't we just talk now."

"I have to go to my pop pop's plus what we have to talk about needs to be talked out in private and not in a parking lot with people constantly walking by."

"Alright well just text me when your done at your grandpas and I'll meet you."

"Okay." Chase walks over to me and surprises me by engulfing me into a tight hug in which I hug him back. I inhale his familar scent and sigh. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him. I pull away and give Chase a small smile which he returns then we say our goodbyes and I get into my car and head to my pop pops.

Once I arrive to my grandparents I immediately spot my mommys car. I can only imagine what she's going through right now. Her daughter pretty much ran away and her husband is a complete asshole. I just hope I don't get slapped again.

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