Apple was a dog of courage and loyalty. She never let her horrible memories control her in the ways she lived her life and now you wouldn't even notice she was a dog with a troubled past. She was rescued on a cold rainy day and I was walking on a street not a long way from my house where I saw a dog chained and I had seen her before and never saw food and water there. She was thin and looked like she had a skin disease and her leg looked hurt. Her dog house was missing boards and had holes in the top and so she could never stay dry when it was raining. She was a muddy mess, so i decided I was not going to leave without her. I went up to the door and the owner gave me the right to take the dog and said she had been there for 3 years tied on the chain. The collar around her neck made sores which hurt her. We barely got her off the old rusty chain. I had a jacket on so I took it off and wrapped it around her she was so cold. I carried her to my house and called my friend who was a vet to come to my house and see her because my car was being repaired. She came and vetted her. My friend fell in love with her and adopted her and now she is at the vets everyday meeting new friends and is loved so much!