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Cody was a dog at a local shelter and I visited him every day I had a rescue dog already and was not able to take another due to my small space at home. He was a sweet little guy shaking when anybody came. Most people said because of his shyness he would never find a home. I was saddened over this he was such a sweet dog and I truly grew to like him. The shelter had an 80% kill rate and I didn't want him to be in that position to die and never find a home. I reached out to a website on Facebook it was like a group of people that lived in the area. Many people shared his photos and try to help them find a home. Every day i'd go and visit him and all the other dogs. Later about a week I got notification in my messages with a nice couple wanting to meet him and potentially adopting him. I was overwhelmed with excitement and happy. I met them at the shelter and introduce them to Cody. Cody was so happy to finally feel love and I could just tell at that moment. This would be his forever family this this family will take care of him and love him for his whole life. I love that dog and I wanted the best for him and I knew this family would give them that. Since this family seem like such a great fit for Cody I paid the whole adoption fee $85 and he went home that day. I know this really isn't a rescue story but I feel like it is because I saved a little life that one found the perfect family if it wasn't for me posting him on social media. I still keep in contact with them today and see photos  of him online living it up and I'm just so happy that he's in a loving and caring home. Take care of Cody and love him unconditionally but I already know you will love you Cody.
Hey guys I'm so sorry that I have not updated you guys at all  about my rescues I've been caught up in school with a bunch of work and I just haven't had time to write. Just wait because I will be adding more stories. I rescued a few more dogs lately and I'm going to be adding up their stories lately.

So let's start with the question of the day:what breed is your dog and if you don't have a dog what breed would you like to have and what would you name the dog?  If you already have a dog what is the name of your dog?

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