Entry #14

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Dear Autumn,

Today one of the nurses saw the cigarette butt scars on my arm. Usually, I try to hide them at all costs. But today, I just didn't care.

She first stared at me weirdly and then proceeded to lecture me about how I'm worth it, how I shouldn't do this to myself, and how I shouldn't smoke or hurt myself.

She continued speaking but after a while I just tuned her out.

Because I didn't have the heart in me to tell her the scars were etched onto my skin by your friends while you silently watched, and that they were simply reminders of my worthlessness.


Hi guys this is just a short note to thank you all for reading my book so far and voting. And also a special thanks to all those who comment because you guys have no idea how happy I get with each and every comment I read. Seriously, my mom thought I went crazy when she saw me smiling like a moron at my phone. So yeah, thank you so much!

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