Entry #53

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Dear Autumn,

You still haven't visited me again. It's starting to get lonely without you.

Who am I kidding? It has been lonely without you for a long time.

Especially since March has been busy with school and my parents have been busy with work.

I guess everyone has a place to be and something to do but me.

Really Autumn, everyone is doing something great in their lives. Everyone is "busy" living a life that they're happy with. Including you.

And I talked with my therapist about this today. She said that I did have a purpose in life, I just had to want to get better before I can move on to something bigger.

And then she asked me to choose someone to want to get better for. Someone I really love.

For some reason, as much as I wanted to say that that person is you, I chose March.

I think it's better that way.

Because you're living your life. And I'm surviving mine.

And I think it would only be fair if one of us lives a life they're happy with.

And this time, I choose you. You are the one who deserves a happy life. And I don't think I can give you that if our lives are as intertwined as they are right now.

What I'm saying is, I think I have to let you go.

Bye Autumn.


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