Entry #37

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Dear Autumn,

Yesterday during lunch you asked me if I wanted to eat in the restaurant across our school.

You explained that's you didn't like the cafeteria's food, but I knew otherwise.

Because Autumn, there's something wrong and you're not telling me what it is.

Your friends have been ignoring you ever since you came back and you're not as happy as you used to be.

And that kills me.

Because you deserve all the happiness in the world. You deserve to feel no pain because you, are important (unlike me).

But after I had accepted your offer, another unusual thing happened.

Everyone started pointing for at us and calling you names.

And I didn't understand why, so I tried asking you. You only shook your head, a teardrop sliding down your face.

It killed me to see you hurt so much, Autumn. It really did.

But once we reached the restaurant, your face had transformed, instead of tears, you had a smile on your face.

It didn't fool me though. I knew you were still hurting. And I was going to make sure that you will never cry again.

Because you should never hurt the way I did.



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