Entry #54

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Dear Autumn,

You came back today. I really really really wanted to let you go. But like I said before, you were my weakness, and you still are. So despite what I was thinking just a day before, I let you back in my life.

And although I was slightly sad that it took you so long to come back to me, you said that you were sick for a long time and you didn't want to get me sick too. Especially since I was already so... sick.

In other words, so useless and weak.

You didn't say that though. You are never mean to me Autumn. And I feel like I am to you. I don't say I love you back anymore. I don't hug you when you hug me. I barely even smile back at you when you smile at me with that grin I used to love.

And I don't know why things are that way. I used to want you more than anything, but now I feel like you're just... there. Like you're just another person in my life that I'm waiting for to abandon me. Because that's what people usually do.

And I'm sorry. Because I'm not sure if you will leave me because you seem like you really do love me. At least, that's what you tell me all the time.

And show me.

Because Autumn you keep hugging me, and kissing me, and telling me that you'll be there for me.

And all I seem to do is just stare back at you with emptiness.

And I'm so sorry. Because I know I should appreciate you more.

That's one reason why I gave you my earlier entries of this journal today. Because back then I appreciated you more.

I can't tell you the other reason though.

And if I'm right about what I'm feeling, then I think you'll understand why soon enough.


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