Entry #22

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Dear Autumn,

Ever since my doctor informed my parents about my "determination to ruin my health" incident, my mother has been allowing me to speak to March more often.

But today, I actually got to see March again. And go out of the hospital.

It took a lot of persuasion on my part. At first the doctor absolutely refused but then he told me that if I meet my therapist again, he'll allow me to go out with March. I remember eagerly shaking my head, because I knew that even if I start seeing my therapist again, it doesn't necessarily mean I'll have to get better.

Plus, I'll do anything to make my sister happy.

So there I was, standing in front of the hospital at 8 o'clock in the morning waiting for my mom to drop off March. In a couple minutes, my little sister showed up but unexpectedly, it was my dad who dropped her off.

He didn't once look in my direction. Even after seeing me for the first time in 4 months he still acts like I've committed a crime.

I tried to shake my feelings of hatred for him as he drove off without a simple glance my way. I wanted to make March happy today, and I wasn't going to let my Dad ruin my mood.

So then March and I walked to a nearby park. There, March was bursting with energy and telling me all about what she was up to. I didn't speak much, because I simply wasn't doing anything in my life.

After that we went to a small ice cream parlor and March started telling me about the "cute" boy in her class. She's been mentioning him in every phone call this week and I can tell she really cares about him.

I was really happy for her, until she told me that even though she likes him a lot, he's often mean to her.

That's when I vowed I will never let anyone hurt my March.

Because there was absolutely no way I was going to let her go through what I did, Autumn.




Ugh I'm starting school tomorrow guys, wish me luck.

I hope I will still have time to write as much as I want but I doubt that :(

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