Puzzleshipping names

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Friend: What is your favourite ship?


Friend: Puzzle-what?


MY friends do NOT get Puzzleshipping AT ALL! No, they don't I'm afraid, sometimes they ask what it is.

Sometimes they say it incorrectly, here are some names:

1. Puzzle-SHRIPPING ( Seriously, Selina, no, just no)

2. Puzzle-STRIPPING (WOW, just WOW)

3. Puzzle-STRAPPING (I has no comment)

4. Puzzle-SHAPPING (Is SHAPPING even a word?)

5. Puzzle-SHRINKING (OH MY RAAAA!!!!!!)

6. Puzzle-SHAVING (NO!!)

7. Puzzle-SWAGGING (I like this one XD)

8. Puzzle-SWAYING (..... I Have NO comment...)

9. Puzzle-MAKING (Ummm, no)

10. Puzzle-SH***ING (OH DUCK NO!!!!)

So yeah, here are some of my friends names on Puzzleshipping, if you get it... of course.

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