Dirty minded people, tut tut tut.

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Paring: The obvious, Yami x Yugi (puzzleshipping)

Summary: See if YOU could figure out. ;)


It was your usual day at the Kame Game Shop, Yami decided to stay instead of going to the Afterlife, so the whole team was there. As usual, they were free to do what ever they like, and everyone was minding their own business. Joey was hanging out in the kitchen, Ryou was working on some playlists for their parties, Tristan and Tea were helping Solomon put out new game stock, Marik was on Skype with his brother and sister and Yami and Yugi were hanging out together. Seto decided to head to the kitchen where, his boyfriend, Joey, was and he passed by Yugi and Yami's room.

'Ow! Yami! This hurts!' Yugi exclaimed

Seto looked over at the sound of Yugi's voice coming from him and Yami's room. He presses his ear against the door in an attempt to hear better.

"Stay still Aibou, I know it hurts, but let me just tap it..."

Seto's eyes widen, and he covers his mouth in shock. He sees Marik walking by and quickly calls him over to listen.

"I'm not that flexible! Hurry up!"

Marik looked at Seto in shock at what he was hearing and whispered something in his ear. Seto nodded and pointed towards the kitchen.

"Can I move now...? Are you gonna stop squirming?"

"Just go, Mou Hitori no Boku!"

Marik quickly moved out to gather the other members to listen in.

"Ah... Finally... This doesn't hurt that much anymore."

"Easy for you to say, Yugi! This is more uncomfortable than the last position!"

Ryou rushed up the stairs, Marik, Joey and Tristan behind him. Seto motioned for them to come over and listen.

"Yami! Hurry up PLEASE!"


The other member's tried not to snicker (and fangirl in Tea's option) as they started to question if Puzzleshipping was real or not.

"Ra damn it Aibou!"

"Move your hand! Your arm keeps brushing up against me!"

Joey took out his phone, and started to record the sound to use against them.

"Oh Ra!"

"You're close, I can tell! Aibou!"

Tristan couldn't help but snicker at their noises, whispering something to Tea about 'fanfictions'.

"If you don't move, I'm gonna beat you!"

"S-Shut up!!"

Tea covered her mouth at the word 'beat' and looked at Ryou, whose eyes were widen in shock.

"Go faster!"

"Be patient Yugi!"

Joey started to snicker, recording all of the sounds they made.

"OH. My. RAAAA!"

There was a loud thud that followed these words, and all the gang looked at each other, each thinking the exact same thing. Another thud follows.

"Hey! Why'd you do that!?"

"I had to take you down with me, Yami!"

All the gang heard was panting and content sighs. Ryou decides to walk off before he got caught. Seto got the same idea and walked off as well, not wanting to get caught by them.

"Round 2, Aibou?"

"Maybe later Mou Hitori No Boku, I'm tired..."

Marik opened the door slightly, and this caught Yami's attention.

"Who's there?"

Marik backed away, and Joey opened the door.

"Had fun buddies?"

"Yeah, why?"

What they saw next shocked them. Yugi was sprawled out on the ground, his chest heaving as he tried to calm down, his hair a mess. Yami looked at them with a confused expression, his hair a bit sweaty as he was calming down as well. Both fully clothed males were ontop of a Twister mat, Yugi's new phone had the spinner app open. All of the other members started to laugh.


Yugi looked up with an innocent expression at Yami, who shrugged in response.

"We thought you too where doing something else!" Tristan admitted, the others running off before he could get in trouble.

Joey closed the door and rushed over to the kitchen with Seto, practically dying of laughter.

"Something else...?" Yugi questioned and sat up, yawning.

"Kawaii Puzzleshipping desu?" Yami teased, poking his Partner's shoulder. Which Yugi smiled radiantly,

"So kawaii" Yugi laughed back, as they decided to start another round of Twister.

(Puzzleshipping) Jokes and One-Shots (✔COMPLETED!✔)Where stories live. Discover now