You know what an Iphone is Habibi?

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Yea-yeah! We have 100 parts!


Yugi: not this question again

Heba: Of course I do! What person doesn't!

Atem: Yugi just told him what it was just a second ago

Yami: YOU sir! *points to Atem* took you DAYS until you finally understand what an iphone was.

Atem: Never used a valid answer

Heba: Who the heck is this @puppyjoey

Yugi: probably Joey

Yami: nope, that's Seto

Atem: really?

Yami: yep, Joey's @nyeh...maybe


Heba: YAY! I got some followers on Instagram!

Yugi: how many

Heba: Not much, just only 7.

Yugi: you just started a day ago.

Yami: WHOOOOO!!!! I just reached 2.1 million!!!!

Atem: and who's @puzzleshippingforever?

Yugi: what?

Atem: and also who's @egyptianshippingforever?

Heba: WHAT?

Joey: Puzzleshipping is Yami and Yugi-

Tristan: Egyptianshipping is Atem and Heba-

Joey and Tristan get duck taped by fangirl!Tea


Atem, Yugi, Yami and Heba: oka

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