True Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan

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Hey guys I found this on and the ones in BOLD are the ones that made me never look the same again after watching Yu-Gi-Oh! and ship Puzzleshipping. Here they are:

If you are a Yu-Gi-Oh! fan, then put this on your profile.

You know you're an obsessed Yu-Gi-Oh fan when you...

1) Think all villains are hot

2) Don't mind going grey anyway

3) Talk to yourself out loud to pretend you're speaking to your Yami

4) Want a trench coat

5) Try hard to make your clothes defy gravity

6) Think Tans are super sexy

7) Look around town for crazy hairstyles

8) Have your hair in a crazy hair do

9) Think mullets are dead hot

10) Think Little brothers are just the best

11) Would go gay for some characters

12) Think the only way to resolve a conflict is to play a children's card game!

13) Watch Yu-Gi-Oh the abridged series

14) You think genders don't matter anymore


16) Have read this like 5 times

17) Do whatever it takes to prove you're an obsessed fan

18) You are a fangirl/boy

19) You collect Yu-Gi-Oh cards

20) You know the game is called Duel Monsters NOT Yu-Gi-Oh

21) You have completed/almost completed your favorite characters deck

22) You often quote characters

23) Ra knows how many fics you've read/written on Yu-Gi-Oh

24) Every day you practice your evil laugh until its perfect

25) You think men that were crop top are awesome!

25) You have either a dragon, occult, Egyptian and/or dice fetish!

26) You love your friends!

27) You can quote most episodes.

28) You'd love to go to Egypt

29) Your answer to everything: Shut up

30) You have spent hours looking for Millennium Items

31) You own a Millennium Item (I WISH!)

32) If you own a Millennium Item: You were sad when you found out that there wasn't an evil spirit wanting to take you over. (Dang, that escalated quickly)

33) You think having a yami is perfectly normal

34) You know all/most of the shipping

35) You can easily name Yaoi couples and the shipping names

36) If you was in a room with a thousand pairs of eyes and mouths looking at you, you wouldn't freak just start counting them and hope to Ra that Bakura would stop hiding

37) You often dress like a character

38) You are part of the small minority that actually gets the game Duel Monsters!

39) You prefer Marik and Bakura's singing to Lady Gaga's any day

40) You own a creepy doll/teddy. (Hell Yes and they are SO creepy!)

41) To you Yu-Gi-Oh is more than just an Anime its LIFE! (YES!!)

42) You wear your school blazer as a cape (Normal People: *stare* Yu-Gi-Oh fans:OMR! Trying to intimidate Yami? That's cool! I'll try as well)

43) Day 1- Blue top and black jeans; Day 2 - the same; Day 3 - the same; Day 4 - the same; 3 month later: "its season 2 better change clothes!"

44) You have a background song!

45) Your hair, to your friends: "Oh she/he must be having a bad hair day", You: "Yes finally I have perfected Yugi's hair!" (As always XD)

46) Getting sent to the shadow realm is more of a privilege than a threat to you. (I have NO idea what the Shadow Realm would look like in real... maybe more creepy-ER and more tormenting-ER)

47) Nothing's worse than a Jaden haircut!

48) You have a scary crush on one or more of the characters it's not even funny anymore!

49) You treat that character like he/she is real

50) You know the dangers of glomping

Whooo!! That's all, so which are the things on this list YOU consider yourself as a Yu-Gi-Oh fan?


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