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"god this tastes so fucking good." i moaned as i licked another long stripe up my icecream cone. michael was watching, a small smile on his face as he sucked off a few sprinkles from his own cone.[cum]

i could already feel the stares from the people behind us but i didn't care.

i licked once more at the vanilla cone before putting it down and sighing in satification. "i feel bad."

"why?" michael asked curiously as he set his own icecream down.

"we gave the girl a hundred dollar bill, michael, do you know how horried her face was when she realized she didn't know the change for four dollars and seventy-two cents?" 

michael shrugged and picked his icecream back up.

after we were done we left with a few weird stares but ignored them none of the less.

at least i did.

michael took off down the street and i chased after him, ending up at one of the massive buildings. i looked up, sighing when seeing it was wear his parents worked at. "michael?"

"what." he snapped but sniffled afterwards and i grabbed his hand and tugged him into the building. we walked over to the elevator and pressed the top floor, watching as the doors closed. i waited quietly, looking down at the polished marble floors and then at the glass elevator doors. i glanced up a little further to see we had a few more seconds till we got off.

as soon as i heard the ding i waited for the doors to open and dragged michael with me, moving down the long hallway and making a left that lead to a stairwell. i hopped over the chains, michael going under as we walked up the creaky steps. under us was a hundred and fifty foot drop.

long story short, when the building was first being built they had the floor and then the stairs but then they realized they had mixed the screws up so the floor got the weak ones that were made for stairs and it fell but the stairs stayed. it was supposed to be an off looking thing to relax but if anything it'll give you anxiety.

michael looked up as we walked up the stairs, ignoring the loud gushing of wind. another thing was that they didn't close it back up because it saved money with the ac in the summer. 

"ten more left." i walked slowly, knowing michael needed assurance that we were almost up. 

once we reached the top, i opened up the steel door that i had broken the keypad lock to and stepped onto the roof of the building. michael let go of my hand and walked towards the edge, bending forward a little and any normal friend would panic but i knew how he wanted to die.

he told me he wanted to drown, his body left untouched except for the water that surrounds him.

"michael?" i called out again and walked closer to the edge, starting to get a sick feeling but ignored it. "you know they're coming back, right?"

"i don't know why they had to leave though." he frowned, tears brimming at his eyes. "why do they always have to leave?"

"they need money." i stated but michael shook his head. "and i need love, is that not good enough?"

"love isn't a currency, it's a feeling." i stated again but michael sat down and shook his head. if he even as much as rocked back he would plumit to his death. 

"it buys happiness though, mine." he stabbed a finger at his chest, moving his body a little and i opened my arms. "just come here before you die."

michael nodded softly, scooting closer to me and i wrapped my arms around him. "then i'll give you all the love you need while they're not here, yeah?" i pulled away, smiling at the smile on michael's face.

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