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"i'll see you in fifteen years bub." mali ruffled my hair as the police tightened the handcuffs around her wrists. she gave me a small smile, tears starting to fall down her cheeks as they lead her to the police car.

"miss me?"

i choked out a small sob as i ran towards her, wrapping my arms around her thin frame. "how could i n-not." 

she smelled like apples, her hair was damp from probably taking a shower earlier as i nuzzled my face into it, not wanting to forget. she pulled away gently, staring at me before pulling me back into another hug. "you've grown so much!"

i blushed. "i know."

"we uh- wanted it to be a surprise." my father stepped in and i let go of mali and hugged him. "i love you so much."

he chuckled and patted me on the back. 

"it's getting late, do you want to talk about it over breakfast tomorrow?" my mother cut in and i nodded, wiping under my eyes. "michael?"

the white haired boy looked up at mali and smiled. "get over here before i force you too."

"you clearly haven't changed." michael giggled as she pulled him into a hug. 

"i've missed you all."


"so, prison?"

"prison." mali shrugged as she stuffed a large piece of pancake into her mouth. "nothing much to it." 

i watched as the tension started to build at the table. "have you learned your lesson?"

"who knows." she chewed happily and my mother scowled at her. "chew with your mouth closed."

"prison didn't care." 

"this isn't prison mali! have some manners!"

"prison didn't need manners."

"me and michael are leaving now." i quickly tugged him up and towards the door. i threw him his backpack and shoes that he barely caught and pushed him out the door. i groaned quietly. "we have a history test today right?"

"mhm." michael tied his laces together and sat back up. "we can study on the way."

by the time we reached school we were late, earning each of us a detention. i sat down in my seat and shoved my bag underneath the desk as the teacher kept talking. "nice skirt princess." 

i looked towards my left, michael scowling. "keep your eyes off of me, asshole." he whispered as he tugged down his skirt a little more. if i had to admit, it was a bit short, coming up to his mid thigh. "why should i do that?"

"because it makes you look like a freak, fuck off already." 

"clifford, another detention?" 

"not my fault this perv won't keep his eyes off me." 

"he wouldn't be staring if you had a little self respect for yourself either, office, now." 

michael stood up with a huff, the boy known as carlos in front of him smirking as he watched him walk out of the room. 

"or you could have taught him not to stare." i spoke up and the teacher turned around. "you can gladly go with him."

"thank you so much for the offer." i smiled at her and picked up my stuff. i had a b in this class anyways. i made my way out into the hallways, glancing around before making a break for the back door. once i was outside i started walking home knowing damn well carlos lived only four blocks away. 

my headphones were stuffed into my ears, hands on my phone as i followed the directions to his exact house. as soon as the small but overly expensive town house came into view i switched off my music and licked my lips. 

it was a two story house, a spider-man poster hung up on one of the walls inside a window out front. didn't he know how to close his blinds? i rolled my eyes at his stupidity and walked towards one of the cars and climbed on top of it. 


"hi." i turned around, seeing a mother staring at me. it certainly wasn't carlos'. "what do you think you're doing on their property?"

"well ma'am,  i'm a friend of carlos and was just getting a science fair project out. now please, mind your own buisness and stop jumping to conclusions? i'd like to get an a on this report if you're alright with that." 

she looked stunned, walking away and i sent her a cute smile before continuing my climb up the house. my hands were gripped at the windowsill as i slid the window up with ease. wow, can't even lock a window too. the more i thought about it as i climbed into his bedroom, the more i thought does this kid even lock the front door? 

i started to dig through the drawers, raising an eyebrow on some of the things he had kept in there before finding a bra his current girlfriend must have left over for him. it looked expensive so i shoved it into my backpack and climbed back out the window. 

michael wears bras, right? 

i closed my eyes at the thought of it before freezing. 

oh god 

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