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Deonne’s POV:

I was sitting in the back of the van with Daehyun. He leaned his head over onto my shoulder and passed out. I held him close to me afraid to let go. When we arrived at the hospital I tried to wake him up but he wouldn’t. I asked for Himchan’s help in carrying him in the hospital. I was really worried about him and Zelo, who still hasn’t woken up. As we walked in, we were getting pretty horrible stares, but I didn’t give a shit.

Can I help—Oh my God. Are you guys ok?” I looked at the nurse like she was fucking retarded.

Ma’am, it has been a tough day. Do we look like we are ok? Can we get some help please?” Youngjae asked nicely.

Of course. I am sorry.” She pushed a button and a couple nurses came to help us. Yongguk, Jongup, and Youngjae denied any help. The worse they had, were really bad bruises, bloody noses, and black eyes. I also denied help, but followed the nurse that was helping my Daehyun. Himchan, with Jongup, were a couple doors down from Daehyun’s room and Zelo’s room was between their rooms but on the other side of the hall. I pulled Yongguk aside before he went into Zelo’s room.

Will you tell me when he wakes? Of course after you guys have your little moment. Hehe.” Yongguk nodded and walked into the room. I sighed and walked into Daehyun’s room pulling a chair up to his bed.

I hope you are going to be ok Daehyun.” I said as I watched nurses hook him up to a machine. They did a few tests and the doctor came in later. “So will he be ok?

He has a broken leg, a few bruised ribs, and some deep bruises that will heal soon. His wrists are a bit raw, so he will need some lotion put on him. You can do that yourself if you would like. Other than that he will be just fine. He just needs a lot of rest and to keep his leg elevated. I suggest he stays here for a week or so.” I nodded and thanked the doctor. He left shortly.

What the hell is going on?” The B.A.P. manager came in. I stood up and bowed to him.

Hello sir. I am sorry that your members are like this. Please allow me to explain. You see sir, Zelo and Daehyun were captured by a gang member…

A gang member?! Oh Yongguk isn’t going to get by this so easily.

Please sir, let me finish. It wasn’t Yongguk, it was me. My brother was the leader of this gang and he was looking for me. He wanted Zelo too, because we just found out that Zelo and I are related by our mother. Donald, the leader of the gang, wanted Zelo and I in his gang, so he took Zelo and Daehyun. He took Daehyun because he knows how much I love him. I came to get the two people that are important to me and well… Sir my brother doesn’t take things too lightly. He made his members fight us, but we won.

So Daehyun and Zelo are like this because…?

Because my brother is a jerk and likes to rough people up. I am so sorry about this sir.” He nodded.

So where is this mess at so we can get it cleaned up?” I told him where the house was and he called some people.

Sir… Can we not get the cops involved?” He looked at me confused.

Why not?

Because I am not on good terms with them. You see, I was forced into my brother’s gang when I was younger. I did a couple of things that I am not proud of and that’s why I am here in Seoul. I wanted to restart my life over, but if the cops found me. I would be arrested.” He nodded and thought about it.

Ok I will make sure you won’t get arrested, if you leave B.A.P.” My eyes widen and my mouth dropped. Leave B.A.P.? Leave Zelo? Leave Daehyun? I don’t think I could.

But sir… now that I know Zelo is my brother, I want to do all I can to protect him. And what about Daehyun? I love him a lot. I have to be here to protect him and make sure he heals right. Please you can’t make me leave. Anything else, but that.” He looked at me and stared. He was about to speak, but was interrupted.

If she leaves, I leave.” I turned to a wide awake Daehyun, who must have heard our conversation.

Daehyun, you can’t leave. You are under contract and we need your talent. B.A.P. needs you. Your members need you.” He shook his head.

Deonne needs me and I need her. I’m being serious manager hyung.” The manager sighed.

Fine, but if something like this happens again, she goes.” We both nodded and he left walking into Zelo’s room. I turned to Daehyun taking his hand in mine.

Thank you so much.

I meant it Deonne. I really do need you. I hope you never leave me.” He squeezed my hand.

I wouldn’t dream of it. Now get some rest, I’m not going anywhere.” I leaned over and pecked his bruised lips. He tried his best to smile, but it wasn’t compared to his old one that I missed so much. In time I will get it back. He leaned back into the pillow and closed his eyes. Soon he fell asleep and I decided to get some shut eye too. Maybe Zelo will be awake when I wake. I want him to know that I will be there for him even more than usual now that I know we are related. I wonder if he will accept me too.


Hey guys! I know this is kind of short, but I have a headache and I’m a bit tired. :p More to come! Will Zelo wake up?? Will the cops get in the way?? Find out soon! Vote Comment and Fan! <3

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