Underwear, Downpours and Excuses

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"Hey Riles," Michael whispered, tapping my shoulder lightly. "Riley, wake up."

"I'm up, I'm up." I groaned, rubbing my eyes. It took a moment to realise why I was here, but when I did my heart sank. "Is there any reason why you woke me up?"

Michael scratched the back of his neck nervously, "uh yeah, there's someone here to take you home. We'll be just downstairs." He mumbled as he almost ran out of the room, leaving me dazed in bed.

Looking down, I realised why he had been so quick to leave, I had slept in only my underwear and it had left Michael flustered, but I'm pretty sure we used to bathe together when we were really little, and I'm his cousin, it's fine, he sees me in a bikini, what's the difference?

I placed my legs on the cold hard floor beneath me and stood up. Sitting, folded up on the chair at the end of the bed were my clothes from yesterday, with my phone sleeping on top. I threw them on and tipped my hair to the top of my head and created a messy bun with the permanent hair tie that was always on my wrist, groaning at what I looked like in the mirror.

Groggily, I stepped downstairs and entered the kitchen rubbing my eyes, only to be greeted by not just Michael and Karen, but a dark haired silhouette at the table. He spun around and his eyes widened as they saw me, his mouth hung agape.

"Take a picture, it might last longer Hood." I muttered, walking towards the fridge.

"Good morning Karen, Michael." Smiling, I kissed my aunts cheek.

"It's nearly lunch time Riley, but good morning!" She laughed as she put a plate in front of the two boys who were sitting at the table, longing for the food that she was cooking. "Oh Riley," she sighed, eyeing up my hair "what has he done to you?" She shook her head lightly as she returned to the sink.

"I think it looks awesome!" Michael yelled between mouthfuls of food. "What do you think Calum?"

"It doesn't matter what I think," he grumbled, "I don't get a good morning."

"Oh shush Cal, what are you doing here anyway?" I asked, sipping at my orange juice.

"Not out of choice, that's for sure. Your mum asked me to come and pick you up, because it's pouring outside." He replied, not looking at me the whole time. I tried to convince myself that it was nothing, but something made me want him to just look at me for one second, I don't know why.

"You didn't have to agree." I retaliated, wanting some sort of reaction, but I was disappointed; he continued to look down at his plate.

My comment got ignored, and nobody said a word until Calum stood up to leave.
"Riley, you good to go?" He mumbled, standing up from the table. "Nice to meet you Mrs Clifford, see you very soon Mike, and thank you for the lovely brunch!" He smiled, he knew his charm could win anyone over, he was so cocky, but it wasn't all that annoying.

"Thank you Mikey," I smiled, ruffling his hair as he engulfed me in a hug, squeezing me tightly, making me groan. "Thank you Karen." I wrapped my arms around my Aunt, who smelt like a mum should. Like cookies and home bakes, like flowers and cleanliness.

"Bye Riley! Bye Calum!" Michael and Karen shouted as me and Calum made a dash to the car, trying to stay as dry as possible, but it didn't work. Both of us were drenched in rain by the time we slung the doors shut, our hair dripping into our faces. Neither of us made any noise, we just sat still, but the silence was deafening. I wished the journey was over as soon as possible, but it was like the world was out to get us. Roadworks, the most traffic I've ever seen on the high street and the rain wasn't helping Calum see clearly either.

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