Missed Calls, Rap Battles and Lyric Sheets

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"Riley, it's Michael again." Mum said through my door as I lay in bed for the fourth day. I had no intention of leaving, I had no intention of seeing anyone, I had no intention of doing anything.

I felt like shit, I looked like shit, I didn't give a shit.

"Tell him no." I groaned, rolling over and seeing another page full of missed calls from the same people. Dad, Luke, Calum, Michael. My stomach had stopped groaning after day two, and no longer did I feel hungry.

"Riley, can I come in?" Mum appeared again and sat down at the end of the bed. "You haven't eaten in days Riles, you haven't left your room, and your acting as if you have just disappeared off the face of the earth. Your boss has rang and I had to tell her that you were ill, but Riley, I can't keep lying to people." She sighed and pulled me up.

"Riley, you have got Calum in a state. We are all worried, but he's here virtually every day asking to see you. Riley, he's a mess, you both are."

"He's the reason why I'm a mess mum."

"I think the same thing could be said about him Riley." She stood up and felt my forehead. "You look ill, you don't look very well. Also, isn't listening to that song on repeat doing your head in?"

She moaned as Dirty little secret played for the second time since she entered the room. She stood up as she heard a knock at our door and looked at me with pity in her eyes.

"Tell whoever it is that I'm ill and I don't want visitors."

"Oh Riley," she groaned, disappointment obvious in her voice. "You can't hide in here forever. You need to talk to Calum at some point. You two clearly need each other."

Once she had disappeared, I broke down again, making my head bang. Suddenly, I felt my bed dip at the end and I looked up to see a familiar silhouette hunched on my bed.

"Don't blame your mum for letting me up, I gave her no choice," his voice hoarse and cold spread around my room as he switched off the music and just sat there. "Say something Riley, anything. I need you to say something." He begged, resting his hand on my thigh through the duvet.

"Cal, haven't you got the message, I don't want to see you." I snapped, moving my legs so that he couldn't touch them.

"Riles, I need you."

"Well Calum, you're the last person I need right now, and call me selfish, but I don't give a shit about what you need, so be a darling and leave me alone." I hissed, practically pushing him from the bed. But he could see through my wall that I had built around me and he refused to move.

"You need me Riley." His cocky but charming persona was back. "As much as I need you.

I shook my head and refused to believe the clear facts. Yes I did need Calum, but I didn't want him. But I did.

"I sure need you Riles. " he continued, not caring how much I didn't want him there. "It's like I'm missing half of me."

"Half a heart, great song." I mumbled, letting my leg find his hand again.

"Only half a blue sky,
Kinda there but not quite."

He quoted the song, making me smile. Clearly he was affected as much as me.

"I thought about what you said," he muttered. "You're right, we should maybe be just friends for a while. But please Riley, don't ignore me again, I still love you and it breaks my heart every time you reject my calls. We don't need to isolate ourselves from each other. If shutting yourself off from me is the only thing that can stop you from loving me, then it's meant to be, surely? I need to see you Riles."

I nodded and took his hand in mine. "Yeah, I need you too Cal."

"Ha!" He laughed "I knew you needed me."

I rolled my eyes and looked at him confused as he opened his phone and turned 'loose yourself' on at full volume. We both looked at each other and rapped the lyrics word for word, having our own mini rap battle. Both out of breath and laughing hysterically, we threw ourselves down onto my bed.

"I should have become a rapper Riles, my talent is wasted!" He laughed, tilting my face to look at him.

"MC Hood in da howse!" I laughed our faces only inches from eachother. "You'd make a pretty good rapper." I giggled, placing his SnapBack that he was wearing, sideways on his head. "Now you just need gold teeth and chains!"

"You can be my dancer!" He giggled, turning on 'Watch me'. I jumped up and we stood in my room doing the whip and nae nae. "We make a great team, you and me." He whispered, taking my hands in his and swaying to the next song on his playlist.

"Wise men say only fools rush in,
but I can't help falling in love with you,
Shall I stay,
would it be a sin,
If I can't help falling in love with you."

He twirled me around his arms and slow danced with his arms around my waist. His smile wearing me away with every passing second.

"Hey, I need to go and get ready for training." He groaned as he looked at the time on his phone when the song finished. "We have a big match tomorrow, you'll come and watch your number one won't you?"

He stuck out his bottom lip and gave me the puppy dog eyes.

"I don't know Cal," I sighed, but of course I would. He needed to play well, or all of my efforts the other night won't be worth it. "Maybe."

"Please come." He smiled. "I need you there."

"I'll think about it." I laughed, pushing him out of the room. "Now go!"

He rolled his eyes and laughed as he left my room, but on his way out he dropped a piece of paper on my floor.

"Cal! You dropped this!" I yelled, making him turn around, but instead of replying, he just smirked at me and winked before running out if the door.

I picked the price of paper up and read it.

For Riley xxx

I turned it over and read words that made me shiver.

She sits at home with the lights out
Seeing life in different colours
I think it's time that we wake up
So let me take you away

We can run down the street
With the stars in our eyes
We can tear down this town
In the dark of the night
Just open the door
We've got time on our side
We can make it out alive

Hey we're taking on the world
I'll take you where you wanna go
Pick you up if you fall to pieces
Let me be the one to save you
Break the plans we had before
Let's be unpredictable
Pick you up if you fall to pieces
Let me be the one to save you.

It feels like forever since I wrote an update of this fanfic omg! It's been too flipping long! Anyways, I hope you are all good, ily you smelly unicorns, I'll see ya very soon xxxxx

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