Unexpected Visits, Dog Walks and Reunions

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"Riley? What are you doing here?" My red haired cousin stood with his mouth agape at the front door.

"Does it matter what I'm doing here Michael, just let me in!" I giggled, pushing past his and placing my bag on the floor. "Hi aunt Karen!" I smiled, as my auntie poked her head down the stairs.

"Oh my goodness Riley, what's happened? I'm sure your mascara isn't supposed to be on your chin! Are you ok? Where are the twins? Has she done it again? I've told her that she isn't a fit mother for her kids, she can't keep drinking that much!" She rambled, coming towards me down the stairs with open arms.

"I'm fine, the twins are fine, they are at the Hoods' next door. It's not mum this time, it's him. He's back." I sighed, letting Karen know that I was ok. I owed so much to Karen, when I was younger, if mum came back smelling of alcohol, I could ring Aunt Karen and she would come and fetch me and I would sleep in the guest bedroom. She was more like a mother to me than my Aunt, she was the one who came to live with us when things got really bad.

"Oh Riley, I am sorry. That must have shocked you sweetie." She sighed in response. "Look, I'm going out now, but Mikey doesn't have plans do you?" She looked at Michael.

"Even if I did, I don't anymore." He laughed.

"Right then, Mikey, the dog needs walking at some point today and you can't have another pizza today, you had one yesterday. I'll be back in a few hours, I love you, both." She smiled, kissing my head then Michael's. "Be good." She smiled before leaving the front door.

As if he knew that we were the ones who would walk him, Federer proudly strutted into the hallway with his lead in his mouth.

"Hey Fed!" I cooed, stroking his fluffy head. "Why don't I go and tidy myself up and we can take you out?" He barked in agreement at my plan, so I stood up and grabbed my bag from the side and fixed my makeup in the mirror. Michael's focus never leaving me.

"It's like an art form, makeup." He grinned. "Now come on, the dog is going to pee himself!" He laughed, Federer already on his lead and sitting patiently at the front door.

"So I should probably do the good thing of asking you if you're ok." Mikey began as we walked towards the park again. "So, you ok?"

I nodded softly in response, "I'm good."

"Great, because I'm not good at this advice stuff. I know you're not ok, but I know how to make you ok." He smiled, his emerald eyes crinkling and his cute teeth showing.

"And how would that be Mr Clifford?" I smiled back, not as enthusiastically, but it was a smile nonetheless.

"Hair." He stated, pleased with himself.

I chuckled at his little achievement, I did love my hair, but what did Michael know about hair?

"Go on," I encouraged, wanting to know where he was going with it.

"You'll see," He smiled again, that same warming smile.
"Riley!" I heard my name being screamed from behind me, and spinning around I saw Logan running towards me. "Calum's teaching me to play football, and Mali has taken Minnie shopping!" I picked him up and rested him on my hip.

"Oh is that so?" I chuckled, fixing his blonde hair back into its normal shape. "And where is Calum now?"

"He's over there." Logan pointed to a bush, which was shaking drastically. "I kicked the ball in there. Calum says I need to practice my aim."

I giggled, placing Logan down on the floor.

"Hey Mikey! I'm playing football!" Logan grinned, grabbing my hand and dragging me over to the seemingly alive bush. "Calum! Calum! Riley's here. But no swearing this time. I don't like you fighting."

A tall dark figure emerged from the bush, his hands firmly placed around a football.
"Don't worry Lo, we're ok now." I smiled, running my hand through his hair.

"You just can't leave me alone can you Blondie!" Calum laughed, kicking the ball over to my brother who had now ran away. "It must be my charm."

"No," I laughed. "If you recall our little conversation earlier, I want to be as far away from you as possible."

"That was before you asked me for a hug and held my hand all the way to your cousins." He grinned, knowing he had won this time.

"Yeah yeah ok whatever." I joked as Michael finally caught up with me and stood beside me. "Oh Michael, this is Calum. Calum Hood, captain of the football team." I winked at Calum who was standing there looking all smug.

"Cool hair. It's nice to meet you Michael, although have I seen you before?" There was an air of cautiousness in Calum's voice as he slightly recognised Michael.

Michael's face curled into a face of disappointment. "We went through school together. I'm Michael Clifford." Obviously upset that Calum didn't remember him, he hid himself behind me.

"Shit Mike, that you? How are ya buddy?" Calum beamed, realising who it was. From what I can recall, they were good friends at one point. "Sorry, you just look so different!"

Michael came out from behind me and his smile was replaced back onto his face.

"You don't look all too similar either!" He exclaimed, pulling Calum into a hug. "We'll have to get together one time and catch up."

"Yeah, I'd love that." Calum's eyes lit up as he found his old friend again. "Riley has my number, just send me a text yeah? I'm free whenever I'm not at football, but feel free to come and play with us."

Michael looked down at his feet and rolled his eyes. "I'm not exactly the..."

"Sporty kind, I know, it must run in the family." He winked at me before my brother yelled at him to 'come play'. "Look, I'm gonna have to go. But drop me a text yeah?" Calum shouted, running off towards my brother.

"Riley, you've gone all red!" Michael laughed as we walked towards the high street. "I wouldn't have thought that the captain of the football team would be your type."

I tapped his shoulder lightly "he's not my type, which is why I don't like him like that. He's not even a friend yet."

"I beg to differ Miss Hemmings. Right, you hold Federer, I'm going to go grab something from here a minute. I won't be long." He smiled as if he was up to no good before disappearing into the pharmacy. It didn't take him long to return with a plastic bag in his hand, which he shoved in his pocket of his leather jacket.

"What's that?" I quizzed, trying to get a look at what he was hiding from me.

"I said, you'll see. Now stop with the questions and let's get back." He grabbed my hand in mine and we walked back through the park. Calum's gaze turned to us again, and his face grew more and more angry. He was quite clearly jealous, but I don't know why. He thought he liked me, but he didn't really know me, and when he found out that those mood swings like earlier aren't just a one off thing, he wouldn't want too, so I wasn't worried. Although I was worried, I didn't like him, yet I wanted him to like me. I didn't like him. Not one tiny bit. He was just my neighbour. My extremely hot neighbour.

We suddenly appeared at Michael's door, and I realised that I'd ignored Michael the whole way back because I was thinking of,

His smirk appeared in my head, this is exactly what he wants. He wants me to like him, that's what the flirting's for. He wants to play with me, then he wants to drop me. I knew what guys like him did.

"Now, Riley, are you ready for me to make you ok?" Michael chuckled, snapping me out of my Calum shaped trance. "The only way I know how?"

"Pizza and movies?" I giggled, making my way into the living room.

"That comes later." He smirked, pulling the bag from his jacket. "I have a better idea."

Second update of the day bc I love this fanfic and yeh. 😬 now you've met 1/2 of the boys, Cal and Mikey. I wonder where Ash and Luke come in...

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