Fifa wins, Jealous Boyfriends and Good Charlotte.

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"He shoots and he scores!" Michael yelled, throwing Tori from his lap and running a circle around Calum's room in a victory celebration as Calum held his head in his hands. "In your face 'I'm the number one on the football team!' In your face!"

"That doesn't make me automatically great at FIFA Mike!" Calum responded, throwing his middle finger up in a tantrum "but that was a complete fluke, you didn't deserve that goal you lucky twat!"

"And we are the champions my friendddd!" Michael continued to sing, ignoring Calum's taunts.

"Hey Cal, you're still my number one." I giggled, walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his shoulders. "Whether you loose at FIFA to my stupid cousin or not."

Michael threw a cushion at me before sliding next to Tori and resting his hand on her thigh.

"Hey, what the hell is going on, you two have both got stunning girls on your arms and I'm left here alone!" Ashton whined from the floor. His arms crossed and his mouth pouted like a baby. "I'm Ashton Irwin, I'm meant to be good with the lay-dees!"

Tori winked at him playfully. "I'm sure some idiot will have you Ash, just give it time."

A loud groan escaped the curly brunette's mouth, "but I want a cuddle now."

Pulling myself from Calum's tight grip, I threw myself onto the floor next to Ashton. "I'll give you cuddles Ashy!"

The strong boy beside me wrapped his arms around me, almost crushing my insides.

Ashton was crazy strong, and I wasn't even going to try to peel his arms from my body, so I curled myself into a ball which fit perfectly in the crook of Ashton's body.

Above me, Calum's gaze grew annoyed, and he soon sat beside me and ripped me from Ashton's arms before nuzzling his face into my neck.

"Get your own girlfriend," he grumbled, lazily slinking his arms around my body. "Riley's mine."

I giggled and rested myself into Calum's warm embrace. "Yours, and only yours."
He smirked, which made Ashton grumble once more.

"Hey, I was thinking, how about I take you to the fair this weekend?" Calum whispered, his breath sending shivers down my spine. "Friday night?"

It sounded like a great idea until I pictured my brother, his blonde quiff and bright blue eyes staring me down. I didn't know why he knew Calum, or why Calum was so defensive when Luke was mentioned, but I knew now wasn't the time to cause a problem.

"I, I, mums asked me to babysit." I stammered, being quite proud of my excuse. If Calum knew that I was going with my brother, he would almost certainly flip out.

"But baby," Calum whined, but the thought of my brother had invaded my mind. He was sitting alone whilst his whole world was turned upside down and I was here, enjoying myself as my world was finally looking up.

"Hey, you guys? How about we go to the park now? It's nice out and I can probably about walk there on my crutches. Yeah, let's go get some sun."

Reluctantly, I agreed, but on one condition, "my brother has to come too."

"What?" All three of the boys spun around and looked at me, mouths agape and I could see Calum struggling to find something to say.

"My brother, Luke, has to come too. I don't know what it is that you have against him, but he's my little brother and I can tell that he's already not liking the move that has changed his whole life. Luke's just the male version of me, I don't know why you wouldn't get on with him, plus if you aren't going to give me a valid reason why you hate him so much, then I'm not going to exclude him from my life."

Calum looked down at the floor, and Ashton's mouth still hung open.

"Ok." Calum grumbled, taking the whole room by surprise. "Luke can come too, but don't expect me to be nice."

"Calum's, he's part of my family, if anything, you have to be super nice to him!"

This made Ashton splutter, whilst Tori and Michael both stood there confused as to what was going on in front of them.

"Be grateful I'm even letting him come with us." He growled.
"You're not letting him come with us, I'm telling you that he is, whether you like it or not." I replied back in the same harsh tone. "He's my brother Calum, I'm not treating him any differently just because you have some sort of childish vendetta against him."

Huffing out of the doorway, Calum was followed by Tori and Michael, then me and Ash.

"It's not a childish vendetta Riley, you don't know what happened." Ashton whispered as we made our way down the stairs towards the front, I didn't know what went on between my brother and my boyfriend, but I sure as hell wanted too.

"Why won't anyone tell me then!" I practically screamed as we left the house, catching Luke's attention from the concrete which lay around our garage. Cal, Ash, Mikey and Tori carried on towards the park, and I hung back to bring my brother along.

"We're going to the park, you coming?" I smiled, holding out my hand to haul the tall boy up. "Not that you have a choice. Come on."

Taking my hand, Luke stood up and like a lost puppy followed me toward the rest of the group.

"Ree, I know it's not my place to say it, but I don't think you should date Calum." Luke mumbled, not lifting his eyes from his shoes. "Please, please listen to me."

"What is it with you and Calum?" I groaned. "Why won't anybody tell me."

Luke's hands were tucked firmly into his pocket, and the one earphone dangled limply from underneath his shirt, the other one bedded in his ear.

"You don't need to know," Luke muttered as we finally caught up with the others. "Hey, it's Good Charlotte, wanna listen?" He grinned, holding out his other earphone for me to take. He knew my weakness, and happily, I obliged and took the earphone and we walked along as if we had known each other all of our lives.

Guess why Luke and Calum hate each other 😜

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