Introductions, Fist fights and Left for dead.

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"Guys, this is Luke." I smiled as me and my brother approached the others who were already sprawled on the grass. "Luke, these are my friends."

I looked at Ashton, who was lay on his back, staring at the sky singing twenty one pilots without a care in the world. "This is Ashton," I spoke, lightly kicking Ashton's arm, making him sit up and shake Luke's hand. "You should sing more Ash, you're pretty good." Blushing, he brushed off my compliment and lay back down and began to sing again, quieter this time.

"This is Michael," I smiled looking at Michael as he leant back on his arms with Tori lay across his legs. "He's my cousin." Propping himself up on only one arm then, Michael stuck out his hand for Luke to shake.

"Hi buddy, it's great to finally know who you are!" Michael grinned. "But please call me Mikey."

"And I'm Tori!" Tori smiled, holding out her hand to shake and looking up at Luke. "I'm Riley's friend. It's lovely to meet you. Woah, you look so much like each other, what?"

Luke smiled at his feet and mumbled a silent hi. "I don't whether that is a good or a bad thing!" he joked, earning a tap on the arm from me. That was when I realised how well built my brother was, there was no way he didn't go to the gym, his arms were pure muscles. But I guess in a week or so, I would know.

"And this..." I began, making Calum look up at like from his casual position on the grass. His chocolatey eyes met my pleading glance and he sighed and stuck his hand out to shake, but not meeting Luke's gaze.

"Calum." Luke mumbled, reluctantly taking Calum's hand.

"Luke." Calum replied, playing with the grass beside him.

"So," Michael laughed, breaking the obvious tension that now hung over us. Luke curled his body towards me and tried his very best to hide himself from Calum. "Luke, tell us about yourself? Whatcha listenin' to?"


Luke mumbled something under his breath as Calum continued to tell the group about what really happened at the football college. His fingers were wrapped in my hair as I rested my head on his knees and just listened to his voice. I didn't really listen to what it was that he was saying, just his voice was enough.

"What did you say Hemmings?" Calum's breathing became heavier and his took his hands from my hair and clenched his fists. Luke ignored his and continued to play with the grass. "I said, what did you say?"

Like lifted his head to look at Calum, and I could tell he regretted whatever it was. "You know what I said," he hissed.

I lifted myself from Calum's lap and looked at the two boys. Both were breathing heavily, both had fire in their eyes.

"Say it again." Calum growled as he began to stand up, "I dare you."

Luke hid behind me slightly but stood up to face Calum head on, his eyes now a darker shade of blue. My heart began to race, I knew how annoyed both of these boys were and that made me shake slightly.

"Not now Calum, not in front of Riley." Luke whispered, his voice almost a beg now. "Please."

"No," Calum sneered. "Now, Hemmings."

Luke threw his arms up in the air and advanced toward Calum, that's when I first saw the height difference. Luke was considerably taller than Calum, but Calum was built better than Luke, his arms were almost double the size and his legs were just stupidly larger.

"I suggest you shut up Hood," Luke snarled in Calum's face, only, centimetres from his skin. "Now."

The tension could be felt within the whole group. Michael, Tori and Ash just sat, mouths agape watching the show. Tori clung onto Michael's arm and Ashton cowered away, but I stood transfixed. I wanted to stop it, but I couldn't find the words.

"Make me." Calum spat in response, knocking Luke back with his hands to Luke's chest. You could see the anger surge through Luke's body as he lifted his right arm and smacked his fist into Calum's jaw, taking Calum by complete surprise and knocking his back towards the bushes. In response, Calum swung back, and hit Luke even harder, leaving Luke clutching his face as the rest of the group watched on.

"I said," Luke yelled as he advanced towards Calum, his fist raised. "Then you fucked my girlfriend." Luke's fist met Calum's face again, and again, and again. Calum fell to the floor and gripped his bleeding face as he curled into a ball and protecting himself from Luke's kicking legs.

"Luke stop it!" Finally I managed to scream as I flung my arms around Luke's body and tried my hardest to push him from Calum's bettered body. My efforts were useless however, Luke was determined to get to Calum, and a small girl like me had no chance of moving a guy like him. "Michael, help me please!"

At my scream, Michael scrambled to his feet and helped my pull Luke to one side before I dropped beside Calum and brushed his hair that was stuck to his blood soaked face.

"Cal? Calum, are you ok?" I cried into his head as I held it against my chest. Pulling from my grasp, Calum lifted himself from the ground and stalked Luke from behind, before she spinning him around and punching him in the temple. My heart sank as I watched my brother sink to the floor. It was like it was in slow motion, his head went first, then his body fell limply beneath him. Ashton scrambled to his feet and pulled Calum away then, and I fell beside Luke who lay unconscious on the floor at Michael's feet.

"She was always a slut though, wasn't she Hemmings?" Calum laughed as he walked away, dragging a bewildered Ashton behind him. "Riley, leave him. He doesn't deserve it anyways, nobody would care if we just left him for dead."

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