Rainy Days, Ashton Irwin and Broken Bones

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It was the morning after Cal had made his way somehow into my room and gotten me out of bed for the first time in three days. It was also the morning of Cal's important game; he needed to play better than ever before.

The weather outside was the worst it had been for weeks, but it still needed to go, cal needed me there. I pulled on my ripped black jeans and my cute black crop top with a tiny white robot printed on the front. I furrowed in my wardrobe and pulled out my white trainers and my black trilby sat perfectly on my head, containing my mad head of blue hair. Due to the heavy rain, I wrapped the first hoodie that I came across around my shoulders and grabbed my compact umbrella.

Already I was late, so I had no time to explain as I ran past mum, grabbed my bag and keys from the side and flew from the door, and ran swiftly to my car. Cal's car had already left it's place vacant on the driveway parallel to mine, but he hadn't been gone long, which left a dry car shape. I sped down the road and didn't stop until I reached the familiar ground where Cal's car was parked, surrounded by many others.

I managed to squeeze my car into a small space and I wriggled from the door. Glancing at my watch, I saw that the game wouldn't have started just yet, so I ran to the stands, hoping to get a seat where cal could see me.

I managed to grab myself a seat right at the front as it wasn't covered by the shelter from the rain, and I sat and watched the boys all kick a ball about and warm up.

Calum was leading the team, as always. He knew how to get the team started, and he had a smile on his face the whole time. I had never seen him so happy than when he played football. He lived for the game, and you could see it as he stretched and limbered up for his biggest game of the season. Somehow, he was leading the team, but he looked like he was in his own little bubble. This was Calum's game.

"Hey, do you mind if I sit here?" My thoughts see interrupted by a soft voice coming from the space above me. I looked up to see a curly brunette, who had dimples like craters sitting on his chubby cheeks. "I guess you're Riley," he continued, as I scooted over a little, allowing him to sit beside me.

"Yeah, how did you know?" I replied, not moving my eyes from Calum, who was now walking toward the dressing room, soaking wet and out of breath. Ok, I know it was me who decided that we had taken it all to fast, but I did have to admit that he was possibly the hottest guy I had ever met, and watching his muscles flood from his football kit made him all the more desirable.

"You're the only one around here with blue hair, plus you haven't stopped looking at Calum since you got here." The boy laughed, his laugh friendly and warm.

"Do I know you?" I asked, still confused as to who this person was.

"Ashton. Ashton Irwin." He held his hand out for me to shake.

"You're the Ashton from the academy?" I questioned, he wasn't like I expected, and he didn't look as bad as Calum made him sound to be.

"That'd be me." He smiled. "It's lovely to meet you."

This boys didn't look like a druggie, he looked so sweet, so innocent. But god knows, he's in a band so anything could be possible.

"Nice to meet you too. Cal said you were in town, how long are you here for?"

"The foreseeable." He grinned. "My parents got a job down here, my dad works as a surgeon and my mum, she's a nurse."

"Cool." I nodded. "How's the band thing going?"

He nodded. "It's rollin' along pretty cool. We just finished our first mini tour, but I can't see us doing any more. It was just argument after argument."

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