Chapter Seven - How It Had Happened

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Blood. So much blood. I could feel as it was coming down on the side of my left arm. My head felt like a huge stone, pounded heavily, like someone was hitting it with a hammer. Like in the size of Thor's hammer. But the helmet saved it to be really hurt. I unclicked the buckle and pulled the helmet off of my head. The light suddenly hit me in the face. It was in the middle of summer, the heat of Georgia was nearly unbearable, there was no sign of raining for the next few weeks. My blood boiled in my veins. I gasped for air. It felt like hot steam, burned my throat, my lungs. I tried to sit up but I felt a gigantic and breathtaking pain in my chest, where my ribs were. I assumed I had some broken ones. I remembered a huge kick into my chest, where the pain came from. Someone hit me in the chest. Off of the motorbike. Before it would ran into the desert. Without paying attention to the pain, I sat up and looked around. He must to be here somewhere.

"Kieran!" I yelled - or I thought I did. The pain only let me let a whimper out. "Kieran..." My eyes examined the bushes and trees around me. After the kick I ended up on the side of the road, between of two trees. I barely missed them. My head was only half of a meter away of the bottom of the tree. If I would hit it...With the speed of my flying, it would kill me for sure. But it didn't. But I didn't know anything about Kieran. He still hadn't shown up. I gathered all of my left energies and stood up. My legs hurt but I was sure it didn't break. I felt my right ankle pretty bad but I tried not to care. I have to find Kieran.

"Kieran!" This time, my voice was more determined and powerful. If he was alive, he should have heard that. "Kieran!" Still no answer. I saw the marks of the wheels, as they had left their trails on the road as he pulled the break. For a few meters, the marks went straight on the road but after twenty meters, it went into the woods and disappeared. I followed the black and still stinky stripes, holding my breathe back as the pain was coming faster and harder. "Kieran!" I never stopped screaming but there was no answer. "Kieran!"

I arrived to the point where the trails went gone and I left the road, followed the well-seen path what the motorbike made into the bushes. The heat made me weak and I slightly could move but I couldn't leave him alone. He might need help.


I realized that my cell phone was in the pocket of my jeans. I quickly grabbed it out of the pocket and tried to relived it. But it was definitely dead: the screen was smashed, the cracks formed a full spiderweb. Its cables stuck out between the gaps. I dropped the dead phone and continued my way, screaming his name. No answer.

And then... When I felt like I'd been on the path for hours, I saw ripped off metal pieces all around me. Spectacular - it was the bike's name. It was in pieces. And between the pieces I found a body. It was a human once. But then the body's parts formed an unnatural shape. The left arm was under the torso what was covered in blood, the right arm was about a meter away of its shoulder. Even the legs were in a bad form. His head was covered in blood, it still oozed from the side of his head. He gave me his helmet. It took a while to realize that it was Kieran. It was my brother. When it finally hit me, all of the air left my lungs, my head went dizzy and I almost passed out. The world turned into a blur.

Flashes of happenings had been coming into my mind.

I snaked along to his body.

I held his hand - which was still contacted to his body.

I looked into his lifeless, still eyes.

I watched my hand, covered in hot blood. It already started to clot in the hot weather.

I heard someone to shout.


For a moment I thought it was only the echo of my own voice.


No. It was a man's voice.


The voice was coming closer and closer with each second.

I held Kieran's lifeless body closer to my chest. Ready to save him from anybody who wants to hurt him.


The voice could be only meters away. Soon he would find us. I was ready to fight.


The voice tappered off as the man saw us. I, covered in blood, holding my dead brother's uncomplete body.

"Oh my Jesus..."

I didn't turn my eyes to him, I still laid that on Kieran.

"What happened?"

The man came closer and was only a second away to touch Kieran's leg. But he didn't go to him, but me.

"Are ya okay? Oh, God, Kieran!"

After moments he started to talk to someone who was clearly not me. He talked about a motorbike accident near to his house, an injured and shocked girl, and a seriously bruised, probably dead man. Then the next of his movement was the one I was aware of. He tried to touch Kieran.

"Fuck you, you fucking bastard!"

I screeched and pushed his hand away.

"I need to check his vital signs!"

He defended himself and tried again. I pushed him away again.

"Get off of him, fuckhead!"

"Let me check him!"


The scream let out my throat like a lion's roar and probably that was the last time I felt anything. But then I only felt misery and endless pain.

And that was the first time I looked into those dark seablue eyes what had been watching over me for the next few years.

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