Chapter Twenty-Four - The Hopeless Hope

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My hell begins from the 10th and descends to the circle

Six hundred threescore and six

And from there I crawl beneath Lucifer's claws just for one last kiss

HIM – Sleepwalking Past Hope 


An hour later I was sitting on the back porch again, having an unlit cigarette in one of my hands and a glass of coke in the other one, finally in my clothes. Sean hadn't said a word since I broke our encounter, but his eyes were on me all the time and anytime I looked into them I saw there something: untold things. I could have figured them out but I kinda knew what they were and I didn't really want to hear them. But knowing Sean, I knew it was only matter of time to get them into my face.

'When are you going to tell Reedenstein?' Sean finally spoke up. His question startled me out of daydreaming and my own thoughts and made me scared.

'You mean what?!' I asked on a high pitched tone and I shot my eyes to Sean's face.

Sean scanned my anxiety immediately and showed me his brightest smile, then answered me. 'Not what you're thinkin of... I'm not crazy!'

'I doubt that.' I laughed, relaxed finally. 'So? What did you mean?'

His face expression changed quickly, from sassy to serious. For a brief second I saw like he was hesitating, like he was changing his mind and was thinking of keeping his thought for himself. To save time for himself, he lit up on a cigarette and held the lighter to me and... I shook my head no.

Having sex all day long with Sean, breaking down in his arm because of his best friend and now having a cigarette? That would be too much. What's next then? Opening a bottle of whiskey?! No way...

Time was up, Sean took a long drag, let it linger in his lungs for a bit, then let it out. 'I know your secret, Reira.' He stated, ignoring my stare. I waited for a few seconds but Sean didn't continue.

'I have lots of secret.' I answered, trying to figure out why Sean acted so strange. Alone the fact that he had thought that he knew my secret should have given him orgasm, but he looked more sad. And it confused me a lot.

'I know the one you don't even dare to admit to yourself.' I felt the knot in my throat and the fear forming in my soul. Only one sentence kept repeating in my mind:

He knows. He knows. He knows. He knows.

But I tried to act cool, tried to believe I was wrong again and he did think about something else. The silence was unbearable but while I was afraid to speak first, Sean was waiting for me to speak first.

'Well...' It was hard to sound easy and even I felt that my forced smile fake. 'I know you think you know everything but I'm sure that this time...'

But I didn't have time to finish my even more fake monologue, because Sean – quick as a flash – ran to me and kneeled in front of me. 'Stop it, right now.' He said, his voice like a sharp blade. 'Do you remember how it started? How you and I and this beautiful madness started?' I did. I remembered, but couldn't say it out loud. 'It wasn't just you and me, for the whole time. Someone was always between us.'


Even without saying it out, his name, his prescence was lingering around us and poisoned my already bad mood. I didn't want that conversation. 'Why are we talking about this right now?' I felt the venom in my voice but Sean didn't seem to notice it.

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