Chapter Four - That Smile

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After our emotional explosion we continued our way to... Well...

'Where'd ya like to go first? Home? Having some rest?' Norman asked, eyes on the road. Again, he had some playfulness in his voice. But even he had or not, his question made me afraid he has some problems within his mind. I turned to him.

'Haven't you taken a look at me yet?'

Seriously, even if he would be blind he should have seen the terrible condition I was in. I don't mean the weightloss and the other helpless things, but the things we could help.

Norman let out his now annoying sigh for the hundreth time since we were on the road.

'Trust me, I did. And I'm not impressed...' He looked at me from the corner of his eyes and then back to the road. He literally couldn't stand my sight.

'Why thank you, Mr. Big Dummy Head!' I snapped, offended a bit. I knew I looked awful but he made me feel even worse.

'Seriously, Rei.' I hated when he called me that way. I shot him the look and he already knew what was my problem. 'Sorry, REIRA! We should fix you soon. The redhead doc said the weightloss is because of the medication they took you on but as soon as it leaves your system, your appetite will come back. Well, I hope a better one. 'Cause you never ate well since I've known you... But we're gonna change this together!' He sounded just like the docs. No matter how big mess you are in, we can change it together! The eagerness and determination almost made me laugh. But somehow I wished he was right. 'That's why I'm gonna order some pizza for dinner.'

'But not that pepperoni shit you like so much.' I answered immediately.

'Pff, after years of rehab and shit foods they still can't make you like pepperoni. And I paid them well - hilarious.'

Suddenly I felt ashamed thinking about how much he had been paying to all the institutes I'd been in the last few years. 'Then the usual one?' He offered, smirking, knowing me too well. Hmm... Just mentioning my own developed pizza made me hungry, the very first time in a while. I couldn't hold my emotions back.

'That's my man...' I shot a sparkling smile at him, just as I always did when he did something nice to me. But his reaction was clearly unusual: he almost dropped his jaw. 'What?'

'No-nothing... Just... The smile.' He shrugged.

'Don't tell me then now you have problems of me smiling or I'll jump out of the fucking car right now!'

'First of all: watch your mouth! And no, there's no problem with the smile. It just looks... different then before, that's all.' I couldn't help myself but rolled my eyes. It's true that I didn't smile often in the past and I wasn't planning to do more in the future - it was something out of habit, even a surprise to me. 'But I like you smiling.' He added, sending me his signature smile with the look - eyebrows in the air... 'So? Where to?' He asked finally, stopping at the red lamp. He looked into my eyes directly and I looked back meaningfully.

'You know.'

He nodded. 'I'm glad that at least this one thing would never change. I've already booked an appointment for you.' Said and went on as the lamp turned to green again.

Save Me [A Norman Reedus fanfiction - Part 1 - COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now