Take Off Your Helmet (Edited Version)

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So, what you're about to read is a edited (and better) version of the 5th chapter of the story Can't Go Back.

I had been thinking of rewriting the story for a long time, since, I believe, I have improved my writing since I started.

I will only rewrite the narration, grammar and vocabulary, the storyline, characters and ending won't change.

This is what I have come with after rewriting Take Off Your Helmet (5th Chapter of Can't Go Back) *Also, this fragment is not corrected, so if there's any misspelling or wrong grammar, I'm sorry.*

If you guys don't like it, I won't edit it, that's why I'm posting this. Once I have read what you think, I will make my decision on writing it or not, and then delete this story fragment. 

Please comment what you think.

I hope you enjoy what you're about to read.



I looked at myself in the mirror for the last time and blew a kiss at my reflection. I was totally ready to go back to school. Perfect outfit, perfect make up and perfect hair. Yup, totally ready. The one more thing I needed was perfume. I grabbed the bottle, sprayed it on the air and took a step forward to let the fragrance fall onto me.

"Kelsey, come down! I'm waiting for you!" I heard my sister yell at me from downstairs. I winked at the mirror one more time and grabbed my new, and expensive, bag before I made my way downstairs. Once I made it, Lydia looked at me from head to toes and smiled. "You look great, Kels!"

"I know, right? You don't look bad yourself." We both went outside and got into my sister's car.

"Yeah, but you know Kels. You can't-" I cut her off as I locked my seatbelt.

"I know, I know... I can't get too close to anybody."

That was one of the drawbacks of being a Banshee and being aware of the supernatural creatures out there. It was better if I didn't get too close to anyone, I could have friends but not best friends. Lydia said it would be really complicated to explain everything to someone that young. So, besides of my pack, I didn't have any close friends. But actually, to me, it was more of a perk. The only people I hung out with in school was my sister and the rest of my pack, so that just made me look cool. People looked at me as if I was inaccessible, as if I was too good to talk to.

So I was pretty cool with it.

I couldn't wait to start this semester and finish my freshman year being as popular as my sister was in hers.


My runway down the halls turned out perfect, as everything else I did. Almost all the freshmen boys were stunned when I passed by, and even some sophomore. The girls also watched me walk, but either to look at me with envy or admire. Just as planned.

I spotted Scott and Stiles on the distance, probably heading to the lacrosse field. Today it was the tryouts and they wanted to get back in the team after a year without it.

"Hey guys." I said as I made my way to them. They nodded their heads at me and kept talking.

"Of course you're still the team captain. You got your grades up just like Coach told you to, right?" Stiles said to Scott. Call me selfish, but I hoped Scott was still the captain. Imagine how people would think of me if, not only I was friends with older people, but also with the captain of the Lacrosse team.

"Yeah, but he never told me I was back on the team. He just told me to show up at tryouts today." Scott said back, what just made me worry. Yeah, you should call me selfish.

Can't Go Back ➳ Liam Dunbar | Book 1 | Dylan Sprayberry | Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now