Epilogue: Bestiaries, Pizza and Love

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[ e p i l o g u e ]


"There's enough yellow wolfsbane to keep Peter out for the trip back. But be careful." Chris Argent told us. "Also, you should take her to Deaton's once she wakes up. Maybe he'll know something." He nodded forwards me and Kelsey. She passed out seconds after waking up and I was now carrying her in my arms. We only knew that she was still alive. She kept breathing and she would move eventually. But there's a thing we still don't understand. How. And also why. Why were her eyes blue?

"You're really going with them?"

"I made a deal with the Calaveras weeks ago." He explained. "They'll leave you alone. All of you. But only if I help them catch Kate."

"What if you can't?"

"I'll find her." He said, completely sure. "Someone has to."


"Dad, you smell terrible." I said to my father.

"Yup." He replied pulling back. "You do too. Come here." He said and pulled me and Malia to a big family hug. "I'm just so glad you're both safe." He said and pulled back. "Is Kelsey okay too?" He asked and we both nodded slowly, not knowing what to answer since she has become a werewolf out of nothing. "Hey, what do you say we get outta here, get something to eat?"

"Great. I'm starving." I admitted smiling.

"Okay." Dad said and turned around but when I was about to go with him and Malia I realized I was handcuffed to the table.

"Yo, Daddy?"

"What's your favorite food?" He asked Malia ignoring me.

"Uh, pizza." She replied insecure looking at me.

"Hey." I called. "Dad? Bring me back a slice?"


"Then Stiles said that Scott and Kira were stuck in Mexico which was why they missed the game. Uh, so we went down to Mexico to drive them back from Mexico and that's why we all missed practice." I tried to explain to coach but he didn't look too convinced. "'Cause We were all in Mexico."

"You took Kira on a date to Mexico?" Coach looked at Scott incredulous.

"It was our first real date." He explained.

"In Mexico?" Coach asked once again.

"They wanted to do something special." Stiles winked at him.

"Okay." He sighed. "I believe you."

"Really?" I asked in surprise.

"Absolutely not." He snapped at me. "But I've had experiences south of the border that would knock the genitals off you boys. Still, let me be clear to you two. This kid's the best talent I've seen in years." He pointed at me. "So he's your responsibility now. You boys are gonna stick together. You're gonna look out for each other. And you're gonna have each other's backs. You got it?"

"We got it." We three nodded and then coach left. We looked at each other smiling when I saw Kelsey leaning on the lockers room door shaking her head and smirking. I went forwards her as Scott and Stiles waved the two of us goodbye and left us alone in the hall.

"How long have you been in there?" I asked bringing her closer by grabbing her waist.

"The hole story." She smirked even more. "So interesting, by the way." We both chuckled. I leaned in and pressed our lips together, moving them in synchronization. I felt her hands cupping my checked as she smiled into the kiss. We pulled apart, still smiling.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you, too." She said before dragging me into another kiss.


"This used to be on a hard drive." I told Parrish as I handed him the Bestiary. "But we eventually decided it might be a good idea to have a hard copy around. So we put it in a book."

"What is it?" He asked me looking at it.

"It's called the Bestiary. Whatever you are, it might be in here. I'd like to help you figure it out." I said as I opened the book to show him.

"What about your sister?" He said. "Have you find anything? Maybe it's in here."

"I don't think so." I mumbled.

"But isn't the same as Derek?" He pointed confused.

"No," I started. "Derek evolved. She was a Banshee then and apparently she's now a werewolf."

"This is so confusing." He sighed out.

"I know, Parrish." I sighed too.

"It is confusing."



So this was the officially ending of this fanfiction :(


I will miss you soo much until then :(

I also made a Spotify playlist so you can listen to it while reading :) here's it: http://open.spotify.com/user/1133463858/playlist/69qzIhUfjD5qJWmPNSus5Q

And I hope you liked this fanfiction, It couldn't have been possible if you didn't clicked the "Read" button. So thank you so much for reading what I wrote and kept me going :))

I love you so much guys I hope you do well on life and everything and I'll see you when the new Teen Wolf season starts!! :)) Byeee xx > Alba.

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