Chapter 12: Orphaned

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[ c h a p t e r  12 ]


"We're taking her now." Mr. McCall told to Scott, walking through the police office as I waited behind them.

"Dad, isn't that a little dangerous? I mean, Garrett's still out there." Scott tried to convince him. "Maybe we should let someone else do it."

"I appreciate the concern, but after what happened with Katashi and losing evidence off an armored truck, I'm not letting this out of my sight." He explained. "And if you're still worried, you should know I've got Beacon Hills' finest coming with us." He finished referring himself to Mr. Stilinski, who was already guiding Violet out off the office. She smirked at us before leaving.

I'm just doing this for Liam.


"This is not going to work." Scott said once he opened the box Garrett handed him and knew it was a gun.

"All you have to do is stop the car." Garrett explained. "I'll take care of the rest." He said and the he started the car.

"There's a stop sign half a mile ahead." He said once we had been driving for a while.

"So I take out the tires with my claws?" Scott asked him.

"Teeth, claws, heat vision, whatever." He glanced. "Just stop them. You ready?"

While they were talking I realized that the car we were following has already stopped, and overturned.

"Stop! Stop the car!" I yelled to them. The car stopped and Scott ran to his dad and Mr. Stilinski.

"Dad!" Scott yelled. I got out off the car.

"She's not in the car." Mr. Stilinski told him.

"Violet's gone." He said to us.

"Scott, listen to me." The sheriff said, catching his attention. "They're still here. They're still here." He finished and Garrett got out the car and took his lacrosse stick from the backseat.

"I'm not going to say it twice," He looked at me. "don't move away from the car." Once he said that a Berserker came out of nowhere. Garrett started walking forwards it.

"You want me? Come on." He said. "Come and get me. Come and get me." He started doing maneuvers with his lacrosse stick. "Yeah, that's right! You're not so big. You're not so big!" He yelled but another Berserker came behind him and it nailed a claw inside of him. I was too focused on what happened that I didn't realized there was another one behind Scott.

"Scott!" I yelled but it was too late. The Berserker hit him and he fell. Then the monsters left and I got out off the car. I immediately called Deaton to take Scott and an ambulance for Mr. McCall and Mr. Stilinski.


"Hey, there." Deaton said when Scott started opening his eyes. "I was actually hoping you would be out for a few more minutes."

"Scott." Chris hold the claw the Berserker has nailed into Scott. "This is going to hurt." He started taking the claw off.

"You all right?" I asked Scott once Chris had finished.

"Where's my dad and the Sheriff?" He asked back.

"They're at the hospital. They're both doing fine." Deaton explained. "Hold this." He said to me handing me a bandage and I pressed it against Scott's side.

"It was Kate." Scott panted. "It was her and the Berserkers."

"We know." Chris replied. "But they move fast. And they don't leave much in the way of tracks."

Can't Go Back ➳ Liam Dunbar | Book 1 | Dylan Sprayberry | Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now