Chapter 20: I Don't Wanna Be There When You See Your Face

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[ c h a p t e r 2 0 ]


After all what happened at the bonfire, Kelsey fell asleep on my arms. I asked Scott to drove us to my house since I couldn't take Kels to hers. I didn't have any keys, so I guessed it would be better that way. I carried her all the way to my room and laid her on my bed. Moonlight came through the window and that just made her look beautiful. I was in love with her. I already knew it. I though it when I first saw her and I knew it when I first kissed her. I couldn't contain my feelings anymore, I had to tell her. That's what I was going to give her for her birthday, my love.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realized her waking up.

"Hey babe," she whispered. "what are you thinking about?"

"Oh-um. Nothing, just..." I started but my phone rang. It was a message from Scott, telling us to go to his house. I was about to show it to Kelsey but she already had her chin rested on my shoulder reading it. I smiled and she smiled back at me. I pecked her in the lips, then she pulled back getting up.

"C'mon, we better be going." She said standing up. I knew it was the moment.

"Kelsey," I cleared my voice, shaking. "I was supposed to do this for your birthday but can't wait anymore. I don't have enough money to buy you an expensive ring or the nicest neckless, but I think that what I'm about to give you means a lot more that all that. I know we've only been dating for a few weeks and that we're just a pair of kids but..." I stopped a second. "B-but I know one thing for sure and I know it's kinda lame but it's the only thing I can give you," I got up and held her hands. "I-It's all my love." I finally said. "Kelsey Jane Martin..." I took a deep breath. "I love you. I am in love with you."

I looked at her with a smile. A smile that faded when I saw her face expression.


I was shocked, I didn't know that to say or do. I was paralyzed. Did I love Liam? I didn't know. It all came all of sudden, so quickly at the same time. The dead pool, the Benefactor, the assassins. I hadn't stop to think, think about love. That was a strong word. Liam was waiting for an answer, but I hadn't any.

"Liam..." I started, trying so hard not to cry. "I-I don't know, right now-"

"What do you mean you don't know? How couldn't you know if you love me?" He cut me off.

"I just... I just don't know. I haven't stop to think about it." My eyes started watering and he rolled his eyes. "Liam, people are dying around us. We are in danger. We might die in any second. I can't stop to think about that right know." I hissed. My voice got a little louder. Liam looked like he was about to say something, but changed his mind and looked down instead.

"I'm sorry." I whispered wiping my tears away, but they wouldn't stop coming out. So I left. I left him standing there, but he didn't follow me. I just ran home as it started raining, but I kept running. When I got home the first thing I did was cry. As hard I could.


Scott kept texting me because I didn't replied him yet. I was sitting in my bed staring at the floor, I was angry. I usually would started breaking things but this time it felt different. I felt weak. Like if something had take away a piece of me. If this is how heartbreak feel like, I don't wanna feel it anymore.

I was currently sitting on Scott's couch in his living room. He was upstairs and he told me he would be back in a second. I couldn't get Kelsey out of my head. Didn't she felt the same way? Maybe she's right and she needs time. All this is stressing and confusing. I let out a sigh when Scott came down.

"Kira found Brett. They're fine, we gotta go." He handed me a helmet.

"More assassins?" I asked him confused.

"Maybe a lot more." He replied.

"Different to the ones who tried to set us on fire?"

"I think so, yeah" He said and I left the helmet he gave me on the table. Now I know that she was right. "What about if I take you home?."

"I'm not like you." I told him.

"Not yet."

"I don't mean I'm not strong or never gonna learn to be in control." I started. "I mean everything else. You and your friends try to protect every one." When I said I had to stop because an image of Kelsey came through my head. "Have you been doing this the hole time? I mean, how are you all, still alive?"

"Not all of us are." He said looking seriously at me. "At least let me take you home." He handed me his helmet again. I grabbed it and nodded. But he was still in front of me. "There's something more, right?" He asked me and I nodded again. I felt a burning feeling in the back of my throat and eyes. "What is it?" He put his hand over my shoulder.

"Well..." I started but my lip started shaking. "I-I told Kelsey I was in love with her, I..." I took a big breath. "I am in love with her, but she doesn't know." I finally said. "She said she haven't think about it and she doesn't know. So she left." I felt some tears on my checks but I quickly dry them with my sleeve.

"Dude, you just gotta give her time. I see how she looks at you and I could tell she loves you back. But she's right, with all of this happening it's hard to think about it." He said and I nodded. "I know she loves you. And I know she will tell you, but she isn't ready yet."

"Thanks." I weakly smiled at him and he tapped my shoulder. After that he drove me back home.



I woke up because of the sunlight hitting me in the face. I looked at my alarm 9:48 am. Gosh. Was I that tired? The last thing I remember was crying until I fell asleep. Oh God... I remembered it perfectly. I checked my phone, no messages, no missed calls. I was about to get up when I saw Malia staring at me from a corner of my room.

"Oh my-! Malia, you scared the shit out of me!" I yelled at her.

"Well, if I scared you I don't want to be there when you see your face." After she said that I ran to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I got all my eyeliner and mascara all over my checks and my lipstick... I don't wanna talk about my lipstick and not even mentioning my hair.

"That's how girls look after sleeping with make up on?" Malia looked at me with a disgusted look.

"No, that's how you look after been crying all night long." I mumbled, but clearly she heard me.

"Why were you crying?" She asked me.

"Oh, well, let's say that Liam and I have argued." I said looking down.

"I understand." She nodded.

"Do you?" I looked up at her. I think she was talking about Stiles.

"Yeah..." She sighed. "Oh, yeah! I came here to ask you if you wanna come with me to the hospital."

"Okay, just, let me get ready." I smiled and tried to fix the mess of my face.


This was the first part of this chapter... hehe, sorry? I had to? :s

Outfit for this chapter:

Oh, and I have something to tell you; so this week I'm travelling to U.S.A. and I though I will do a video blog about it and in that blog I would talk about this story and future stories and projects that I've got in mind.

I'll link the first blog to this chapter once I upload it and yeah, I will be talking a lot about this story so if you wanna know more, just click the video ;) [It will be up on friday]

Please don't forget to vote/comment !!

And you can also follow me on Twitter (@itspie_rez) and Instagram (@Teenwolfinski).

Byee, I'll update tomorrow > Alba

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