Chapter 4: 17 Again

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[ c h a p t e r  4 ]


"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I lied my ass off." I sight.

"Hey, your ass is fine. You saved him a ton of unnecessary pain. We'll figure this out in a day or two, he goes back to being old Derek, everyone's happy. Except for Derek, who's never happy." Stiles comforted me.

"Kels, don't worry it's okay. It's just another person that we're lying to. I always feel like it's always been better when we tell the truth. With Lydia, my mom, your dad." Scott let out.

"Yeah, but that is Derek Hale in there. He may be a kid right now, but he's still Derek Hale." Stiles pointed.

"All right. You two, take him to my house and don't let him out of your sight." He said to us.

"And where are you going?" I asked him.

"I'm going to go talk to the guy we should have gone to before." He said. He meant Peter.

"Uh... Yeah, I hate that guy." Stiles told him. I just chucked.


"We're going to wait here for Scott. We're going to sit quietly. We're not going to call or talk to anyone." Stiles spoke as we entered in Scott's house.

"Do I talk to you?" Derek ask him.

"No." He denied.

"Can I talk to her?" He smiled at me and I blushed. I knew he was the badass Derek Hale who was always grumpy, but he was so cute that young.

"Fine. Good. Who's going to talk to him?" Derek pointed to Scott's dad who just had entered into the house.

"Ah! Are you getting taller?" Stiles jumped.

"What are you guys doing here?" Agent Mccall asked us.

"We're waiting for Scott." Derek said.

"Yeah, so am I. We're supposed to have dinner. I brought extra. You guys hungry?" He invited us to eat something. Actually, I was hungry.

"Yeah." Derek and I said at the same time.

"No. We're not hungry." Stiles lied.

"No, I'm starving." Derek argued

"Neither of us are hungry. Thanks, though." Stiles finished.

"Okay, well if you're not hungry, Stiles, Kelsey and your friend can still eat with us. What's your name?" He asked Derek.

"Miguel." Stiles cut Derek off before he could say nothing. "My cousin Miguel. From Mexico. He's Kels' boyfriend, that's why he's here. So..." He lied and immediately Derek and I looked to each other with our eyes wide opened. I then glanced at him and give him a don't-drag-me-into-this look.

"¿És usted un nativo, amigo?" Mr McCall said in Spanish.

"Oh my God." Stiles muttered.

"No soy nativo, si no que pasé un montón de tiempo ahí" Derek replied proudly in Spanish too. He then winked at me.

Well, seemed that my "boyfriend" knew languages. I didn't know Derek spoke Spanish, though.

"Fantastic. Egg roll?" Agent McCall offered us to sit down.

"Hell, yeah." Derek held my hand and laughed. I slipped my hand from his. I felt uncomfortable.

"Thanks to Stiles, apparently you're my girlfriend. So I think we should act like we're dating, shouldn't we?" He whispered in my ear and I glared at Stiles.

Can't Go Back ➳ Liam Dunbar | Book 1 | Dylan Sprayberry | Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now