Chapter 2- The Party

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(Hello everyone this is Dani Wolf here doing the second chapter for this story. This is who I think of when I think of Roza!Now its been a long time since I helped someone out on writing a story. So just bare with me and I hope you will like this story so here it goes.)

Hello I'm Roza I am Lily's big sister, I've been raised to be tough and to not take shit from anyone. I was raised to stare anyone down. Who tried to intimidate me, I am supposed to be cold hearted, and to protect the family. So that's what me and my big brothers have been doing. Our youngest sibling Lily, I just can't really picture her being cold hearted.

She cries whenever someone dies or gets killed. Dad tries to keep her out of it, and so do I. We are all way over protective of her. I stand in front of my closet and tries to decide what to wear for the party. But I can't think of anything and it frustrates me, and I'm about to give up when I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I go and answer it and I see my dad standing in front of me, with a big box and a smaller box, a shoe box.

I smile gratefully and take them from him knowing that he brought me something to wear. Dad has this habit of knowing what we are thinking before we even think it. That's why he makes the best mafia boss out there. Everyone respects him and praises him on raising us just right. I set the boxes down, and I go over to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek and I hug him tightly to me. "Thank you daddy for the gifts, I know I am going to love them," I say with a smile.

He just chuckles and leaves my room so I can get dressed and ready. I always loved parties. Its fun to get to know people and know their weaknesses. Everyone shows their weakness when they get drunk at a party. That's what dad taught us. I go over to the box and I open it and I gasp out loud, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a outfit! The top was strapless, it was black, and it has a matching black skirt to go with it. I put them on and they fit perfectly. The skirt was just mid-thigh and it looked great on me.

I fix up my hair and leave it teased out and I put a little makeup on me before I pull out the three inch black heels. That goes with the dress I look in the mirror and I couldn't help but smile I go and leave the room and my bodyguards follow me. Dad makes sure that we are protected by having guards watching our back I head towards the ballroom that we have just for this moment. I see some of the people have already started showing up, some of the people I knew others were unfamiliar to me. But I go over to them and I greet them like I always do I already see my brothers and my sister out here already.

I go over to them and I smile at my brothers and I hug my sister and kisses the top of her head. I put my lips to her ear and I whisper. "Don't be so nervous little sister everything is going to be fine you have nothing to worry about," I say. I pull back and I see her smiling at me and I smile back but little did I know that things were going to start changing. I just didn't know from what and how it was going to happen until it was too late.

But I'm not going to get into that right now. I stand around and then a guy around my age comes up to me and smiles at me. I know him dad is very good friends with his dad I needed to be nice and polite so I just smile at him. "Yes can I help you with anything?" I asked him sweetly. He just smiles at me more before he speaks. "Yes in fact you can help me out, may I have this dance?" he asks me. I groan internally but I just nod my head at him. He offers me his hand and I take it and I follow him to the dance floor.

We begin to dance and I can't help but be impressed on how he dances. He isn't actually a bad dancer at all. I can't help but smile and enjoy myself a little. We dance by dad and I see him smiling at me proudly, I smile at him back and I get whisked away. I almost lose my balance on the sudden turn. But I catch myself before I fall down and I act like nothing is wrong. Finally the music is over and we part ways. Dad walks towards the stand that his guards set up for him and everyone gets quiet and settles down. Dad stands there for a bit before he speaks.

"Thank you everyone for coming here some of you have been coming here for years and I am glad that you have. Thank you for your devotion and your time with us it means a lot to us all. Now the reason I am talking right now instead of getting drunk like the rest of you," he says for affect. A few people laugh at his joke before he goes back to speaking again. "It's because I have an announcement to make there is a new family that just moved over here. Now I want you all to show them respect like you show the rest of us. They will be coming here shortly so I would love it if you all would greet them kindly when they show up," dad says.

After he says that he leaves the stand and goes and talks to his two favorite guys. I can't always remember their names because to be honest I just didn't like them much. But I don't give it much thought I am too curious about this new family my dad plans on welcoming into the family. It's rare for dad to invite anyone into the family. They must have something he wants and knowing dad he will do whatever it takes to get it.

Pretty soon a lot of people show up and everyone begins to dance. I go over to my sister and I smile at her and I offer her my hand. "May I have this dance with you?" I ask her smiling. She giggles and takes my hand and her and I begin to dance. We could hear everyone talking about us and how much they adore us. My sister and I are famous because of us being so close and looking so much alike. Her and I are close.

We are really close with each other more than our brothers, so her and I dance for a while and then the music stops. Then there is a hush around the room and everyone looks at the entrance to the ballroom. They see the new family coming in and everyone couldn't help but admire them. But who wouldn't? They look like models but you could feel a little sense of coldness around them. But you also can't help but want to get close to them as well.

They go over to dad and they smile at him and he smiles back and he hugs them all and then he turns around towards everyone else. Everyone gets quiet and they look at dad and wait for him to talk. "Well ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce you all to the Vongola family and their lovely children," dad said. Everyone claps and smiles at the family.

I couldn't help but look at them and be curious something about them felt different. But I couldn't tell if it was good or bad. I just knew for a fact that I am going to watch my back when I am around them. As I am thinking this dad brings the family towards us and smiles at us. We all smile back and we head towards him. We all knew he was going to introduce us to the new family.

------- authors note-----

Ok guys, let's have at least 3 votes before we post the next chapter!

We really appreciate all the wonderful comment this book has received so far, and we will update as much as possible, in the next few days, me and dani wolf have lives outside of here, so if we don't update one day, just be patient, and we will update as soon as humanly possible, ok? Ok.

ALSO: keep voting! And also keep commenting!!


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