Chapter 14- memories

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Lily's POV:

I had just gotten out of the shower, and walked into my room, when I heard Roza talking to someone in the hallway. "Can I help you with this?" I hear Roza ask, and I wonder what Roza was asking about. I hear Josiah answer."I won't be able to talk you out of this, am I right?" And after a second, I hear Josiah laugh, then Roza closing the door, and limps back to her room. "Hmm, I wonder what those two are planning..." I say to myself as I get my pajamas on. Maybe it has to deal with whoever tries to kill Roza.. I think, and I run to my father's study.

I don't even knock as I barge in. My father's head shoots up in alarm and I say quickly. "Did you find whoever tried to hurt Roza?" My father sits there for a second, then sighs, and nods his head slowly. "Yes, but-" he says, but I cut him off. "Who was it? I will pummel their head in!" I say, smashing my fist into the palm of my hand. "Sweetheart, I can't tell you, but all I can tell you, is that the person who cut up your cloths, did this." My father said, and I gasped, remembering what I told Julio in the hospital.

L-Lily j-Julio
J: "Where were you?!"
L- "Isaiah is a mole! Marline cut up my cloths, and he ordered a hitman to hurt Roza, and he is after you, father and the others next!"

------end of flashback-----
It suddenly clicked, and it chilled me to the bone. Marline tried to kill Roza. "Oh, oh no." I said, and my father looked at me, furrowing an eyebrow. "What Lily? What's wrong?" Father asked, and I felt dizzy, so I sat down in the chair by the door. "Marline got a job at the diner, and when Roza went to go get her stuff on, Marlene followed her, and I heard her accuse Roza of faking the entire cast thing, to just get out of work easier." I said, and I saw father's hands clench into fists on the desk. "I also heard her on the phone right before she left, but I don't know with who..." My father suddenly spoke, grabbing a piece of paper."What did you hear her say?" He asked, and I swallowed the knot in my throat.

"She said: it's time." I said, and father froze, and realization crossed his face. In one swift motion, he was up out of his chair, and opening the door. I jumped up."What father, what's wrong? Do you need my help?" I asked. "No, but the reason Marline did that, is because they are planning to kidnap you and Roza." He said, and I gasped, stumbling back a step."Ok, go tell Roza and the others that I am having two security guards watching over each one of you. Can you do that?" My father asked, and I nodded. "I need to go take care of some business, but I will be back later tonight, ok?" Father said, and I hugged him, nodding, tears running down my face.

"Ok, go." Father said, and I ran to my room, and sent out a group text to my siblings.

L-Lily j-Julio r-Roza d-Daryl jo- Josiah

L: "Hey guys, I just learned something important, come to my room, NOW!"
R: "Why?"
J: "Yeah, why?"
L: "I am not telling until you get your asses here!!"
D: "Hey, I am coming, calm your ass down,"
Jo: "Me too"
J: "Same"
R: "Coming"

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yelled, as the door opened and all my siblings shuffled in. "Ok, find a seat. I have something to tell you." I said, and I could tell they wanted to know, but they sat down anyway."Ok, dad has ramped up security for us." I said. "Why?" They all asked in unison. "He thinks, since me and Roza have been the only ones affected physically by this, that Isaiah is trying to kidnap us" I said, and heard all of them suck in a breath. "Are you sure sis?" Julio asked, looking worried. "Yea, that is what father said, and that is why he wants two security guards watching each one of us carefully." I said, and sighed.

"Ok, well, why does he want security for us boys?" Daryl asked, frowning. "Well he probably doesn't want you boneheads walking around and get your heads blown to bits by one of Isaiah's hitmen!" Roza said, smacking Daryl in the head. "Hey, hey, now calm down you two!" Josiah said, getting up and pushing them apart, and sitting in-between them. "Ok, so should me and Lily go to the diner tomorrow, since Marlene is there?" Roza asked worried. "Yes, you should, because if you don't, then Marline will get suspicious." Julio said, looking at her. He them looked at me."But you both will have to be cautious around her, and act like nothing is wrong."

"Ok, but what about the guards? " Josiah asked."Well, we could drive seperate cars, and they could act like customers." I said, beaming at my brilliant idea. "But what about after, when you close up shop? They will be the last customers, and that will raise cation flags for Marline." Daryl said, and I frowned, realizing that, that was also correct. "They could pull into the bar next door, and watch us walk in, then after about 5-10 minutes, they could walk in, acting like customers, then after about an hour and a half, they could walk out, and wait in the car for us." Roza said, and the boys nodded, agreeing with her plan.

"Ok, so tomorrow, just act like nothing is wrong, but tell your guards your plan, ok?" Daryl said, getting up and stretching. I nodded, and the rest got up, all saying goodnight. I nodded and yawned, and they left. I got up, feeling my damp hair, I put it into a braid, knowing that tomorrow, it will come out gorgeous. I then went to my bathroom, and brushed my teeth, and flossing. I then got into bed, but before I went to sleep, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I said, and the door opened, and Roza slipped in. "Hey!" I said, "Hey, I found something when I was in the basement, I think it is videos of when we were little!" Roza whispered excitedly.

I jumped out of bed, grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "Let's go see them then!" I whispered back, following Roza out into the hallway."I brought them to my room, come on!" She said, walking down the hallway to her room, and opened the door for me. I walked in, and she followed, closing the door behind her. She walked over to her closet, and pulled out 4 dusty old shoe boxes. Opening one, she pulled out a tape, sticking it into the video player, she pressed play. I jumped onto her bed and snuggled under the covers. The first video was the video of when Julio was born, and I could tell dad was nervous, because the camara never stopped shaking, making me and Roza giggle. The next was when Julio had his first birthday, and we saw that Julio wouldn't touch the cake! That also made us laugh.

The third video on the tape was when Josiah was born. He was a cry-baby! He would start crying at the slightest sound, like if dad shifted in his seat, he would cry up a storm! We laughed so hard at that, we made our sides hurt! We saw the 4th video on the tape, and we laughed even harder! It was on Josiah's 1st birthday, he LOVED cake! He was a chubby little thing too! When he got the cake put in front of him, he didn't even let them sing happy birthday to him before he had cake EVERYWHERE! We laughed a little bit more, before we realized that that was the lat video on the tape. We switched the tape out, and put another one in.

This tape was about when Daryl and Roza were born and had their first birthdays we laughed at when Roza was a baby, it was so funny! But then we got sad when she got cake in her hair and started to cry. All thru the night we watched video after video, and by the time we got done, it was 3 in the morning! "Well, those were some good memories!" Roza said, laughing as I walked to the door. "Yeah! Thanks for sharing them with me!" I said, opening the door. We said goodnight and I headed back into my room, making sure that no one was in my room, before climbing into bed and falling into a deep sleep.

Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! And I am thinking about making another book, but this one is about a zombie apocalypse. I need some ideas, so message me if you have any!
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