Chapter 18- she is dead?!

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Josiah's POV:

       After we saved Lily and Sara, me, my father, and my brothers regrouped the next day, and tried to figure out who was behind all these attacks. We all met in my father's office, and made sure no one was listening to us. "Ok, so this is the last straw, we CANNOT HAVE ANOTHER ATTACK ON OUR FAMILY." My father said, pacing around his office. We all nodded, then I spoke up.

       "Maybe we could go to the house and try to get more information out of Marlene..." I said, and I saw all my brothers faces light up like they just got a new car. "Yeah! Maybe Marlene knows something we don't!" Julio said, grinning evilly. My father stops pacing. "That would be a good idea actually. Ok, let's set it for tomorrow, and we will go see." My father says, and we all get up, and go do our own buisness. I went to the club, and made sure that everything is ok, then I went to work for a bit.

    I work multiple jobs. I work bartender for the bar down the street all year round (which only gives me $10.35 an hour) during the summer I work as a waiter at the diner my sisters work at. (I get $12.35 an hour) and I also work as a cashier for target all year round (which only pays me $11.20 an hour.) I am working  a 4 hour shift at target, then a 2 hour shift at the bar. I get to target, and I get my stuff on, and get to work. I end up checking 45 people out, and got a lot of money in the money jar for st. Jude's research hospital. The jar was almost filled to the brim!

      I get finished, and it is 12:30 in the afternoon, and I still have to work at the bar for two hours. I get into my porche, and drive to the bar. I put my apron on, and begin. I end up serving about 34 people, and get over $60 dollars in tips! I go and put half of that money into the can we have for Sentara (the hospital)  every Friday, we go down there, and drop the money off, and they are always ESTATIC. They are trying to get the money for newer technology, and are always looking for donations. I grin to myself, as the other bartender comes up, and tries to flirt with me. She is a bimbo, and doesn't do good at her job at all! I push her off me, and walk out, and check the time.

It is 2:30, so I get to head home.  I drive home, and see Roza's car here, so I go inside. "Roza? You here sis?" I say, and Roza walks out from the kitchen. "Hey Josiah! How was work?" She asked. "Good! Where is Lily?" I ask. " she went to work..." Roza says, and I freeze. "Roza, Lily has 2 broken ribs! And is beaten and very bruised! And she is at WORK!!" I yell. "IT WAS HER DECISION! ME AND FATHER TRIED TO TELL HER, BUT SHE WOULDN'T LISTEN!" Roza yelled back, glaring at me.

I glare back we stand there for a while and just glare at one another. Finally she breaks eye contact first. I can't help but smile. "We need to bring her back home and make sure she gets rest instead of working when she doesn't need to," I say. Roza sighs and nods her head and gets up and gets ready to go pick up our sister. I follow her and we go into my car and I drive her to our work. But the odd thing is, is that we don't see Lily's car at work. We frown and go inside and walks up to the boss.

"Hey boss have you seen Lily at all?" I ask. He shakes his head no. "She was here for a bit but then she left after one of your brothers came over here. She looked like she was surprised and then said something to me about needing to go home. I didn't give it much thought and let her go," he says to us. Roza and I look at each other for a moment and then I walk out and call both brothers "Hello?" Daryl picks up answering the phone. "Hey bro have you seen our sister Lily anywhere?" I asked him.

"No I haven't actually I went to your guys is work to see if I could get her to come home. But she didn't want to come home so I left. I was going to go check up on Marlene to see if I could get any answers from her," Daryl says to me. "Ok, sounds good." I say to him. we hang up, and I yell in frustration."Where the hell is she?!" Roza yells, pulling at her hair. I dialed Lily's number, and waited, but it went to voicemail. "I don't know, but all I do know, is that she has NEVER done this before, and I know Lily like the palm of my hand..... Something is wrong." I say, getting into the driver's side of my car. Roza got in too, and I hit the gas.

         We got home, and I called my father."Hello son, something wrong?" My father answered on the first ring."Yeah, Lily is gone, and we don't know where to find her."I say, and the other line went silent, before my father yelled out in frustration."Gah! FUCK!! She is gone again, and she hasn't even been home for 3 hours?!" My father whispered angerly.  I sighed, frustrated."Yes, we have looked everywhere, her work, the house... Where else should I look father?" I said,  with some sarcasm, trying not to break something in anger. I could hear Roza in the kitchen, pacing around, and I wanted to go calm her down, but I was on the phone.

"THATS IT! I AM GOING TO DO A CODE BLACK!" My father hissed, and I gasped. Father has only done one of those once before.... When my mother died. A code black, is where we are going undercover for a month, and faking our deaths, then, after everyone thinks we are dead, we are going to sneak attack the people who took Lily, and bomb them, literally..., with a grenade, and kill EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM... When my mother died, my father did that to the people who killed her, and let me just tell you *nervous laugh* it was BRUTAL. We then go undercover again for two months, then resurface, and live our lives like we haven't been undercover for 3 months.

But before we could all do that things started to go down hill as soon as our brother Daryl calls me up on the phone. "Hey bro? I think you should come over here and take a look at this, it looks like Marlene is dead," he says to me. I was just about to say something back when I hear a scream in the background. Then I hear Daryl curse under is breath when he hears the scream. "Well I know where Lily is now," he says.

"Ok, let me call father, he wants to do a code black.." I say, hearing Daryl gasp. "He doesn't!" Daryl said.

"Yep!" I said, and we hung up. I called father and he answered on the first ring.
"Have you found her yet?" Father asked.

"Yes we have, well, Daryl did." I said, and I hear father sigh in relief. "Oh thank fuck!" He said, and I cringe at the bad news I am about to bring him.

"Hey father, I also have another thing you should know..." I said, and I heard father freeze, before he answered.

"What is it son?" He asked."Marlene is dead." I said, and the other line went absolutely silent.

"Oh, damnit! Do you know how?" Father said. I sighed."No, Daryl didn't tell me, I am sorry." I said.

"No! No! Don't be sorry! It wasn't your fault" He said, and I could hear him moving around his room, looking for something. I wait for him to finish what he was doing when he found what he was looking for. He speaks up. "Well we are going to find out what's going on gather everyone you can and meet up with me where Marlene is at," he says.

" Ok, let's hope that we can find out how she died." I mutter, after we hang up. I sigh get into the car, and start the engine, hoping that it was a heart attack that killed her.


I FINALLY updated for you all! Sorry it took so long!:) I hope you guys like it!;)


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