Chapter 13- Tracking

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*Josiah's point of view*

Finally since we are in the safe house I can finally track down the person who tried to run my sister Roza over. I hack into the cameras that were by the crash scene that day. I zoom in into the drivers side windows and see who the driver is. My eyes widen when I see who it was, it was Marlene who was behind the wheel. My sight goes red for a moment as I sit there full of rage, half of me wanted to get up and go and kill her slowly for fucking with my sister.

But I don't I sit there for a bit and tries to collect myself I didn't want to do anything that would be irrational. I needed to think this through and do this clearly and make a plan. I think to myself finally after sitting there for fifteen minutes I pull out my phone and I text both Daryl and Julio.

Josiah: "Hey I found something you guys wanted to see so please come and see me in dads office as soon as possible," I sent the text.

A few moments later my brothers come into dads office and I show them what I saw. After they saw it they were furious as well. I could tell because of the look on their faces I waited a moment for them to calm down before I start to talk to them about making a plan. "So what do you guys want to do to get the bitch back for what she did?" I asked them.

They don't say anything for a bit lost in each others thoughts when Julio came up with an idea. "She likes me and she wants me its so easy to tell. I am going to lure her to us and then we are going to torture her and stop the Vongola family once and for all," he says. We both agreed to it and we start putting the plan into action.

A few hours later we watch as Julio lures Marlene to him and he pulls her into a room and we follow after him. We put chloroform on a cloth and covers her mouth with it and she falls asleep. We put her in a chair and ties her up. We are back at the old house down the cellar. We finally got people to vacate the old house. So now we are using it as a holding place, we leave and calls up dad and tells him everything.

He comes over and sees what we did and then he slaps her awake and she wakes up with a start. You could tell that dad was really pissed off. He will stop at nothing to get what he wants and needs to do. "Alright you bitch now I want you to start talking why did you try to kill my baby girl? Well?!" he shouts at her. She doesn't say anything she just looks really pissed off then dad pulls out a knife and flashes it at her.

"We can either do this the hard way or the easy way, its your choice sweetheart," dad says calmly. Marlene starts to tremble and then nods her head. "Ok I will talk just don't hurt me. Dad plans on taking over this family. He thinks you have gone soft and that the Bengazzi family should have a better leader then you," she spits out the last word. I go over to her and slaps her across the face.

"Hey bitch you shut the fuck up dad is a better boss man than your father would be. At least I don't throw myself around every guy I see like a whore," I sneer at her. She flinches away at what I said. I couldn't help but sneer in satisfaction on her reaction. "Now that's better you honestly thought you had the upper hand on us didn't you? We knew what you guys were the moment we met you. We were hired to take you and your family out so that's what we are going to do," I say to her with a smug smile on my face.

Her eyes widen when she hears what I said and I couldn't help but laugh at her. "Wow your dumber than I thought not so tough now are you?" I say to her mockingly. Dad just looks at me and shakes his head at me. Its his way of saying I should stop talking while I am ahead. That's what I do I step back and doesn't say anything. After we talk to her for a bit we finally leave the place and goes back to the safe house.

We gather around in dads office. "So what should we do now with her dad?" I asked him. He doesn't say anything for a bit before he speaks up. "Well for right now we aren't going to do anything we are going to keep her for now. But you guys did a good job and now you may go," he tells us. Its his way of telling us that he wanted to be left alone to his thoughts. We leave his room and go our separate ways.

I go into my room and starts to think about what we should do next when I hear a knock on my door. "Come in," I called out. My door opens up and I see my sister Roza come in. "Hey sis what can I do for you?" I ask her. She just smiles before she goes over to me. "I heard about what you found out and I want to help out," she says gleefully. My eyes widen in surprise when she says that but then I shake my head.

Of course she would know about it she is good at eavesdropping when she wants to know something she thinks is worth finding out. "Sure sis I have a feeling I wont be able to talk you out of this am I right?" I ask her. She just nods her head at me and I just laugh after she leaves my room. I turn around and gets back to doing what I was doing. Finally I get done and I get ready for bed. I knew I had to do something in the morning so its best to get enough sleep.

*The next day*

I wake up and gets ready to go to the place I go to when I want to get stuff to deal with people who crosses our family. I drive to the store and knocks on the door. "Who is it? Cant you see that we are close?" I hear Mort say through the door. I sighs and rolls my eyes. "Mort's its me let me in you douche," I says to him. He laughs and lets me in and I walks in the store.

*Authors note*

Sorry for the short chapter I don't know what else to say in this story and I am very tired hope you guys liked this chapter.

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