Chapter 16 - boredom and boys.

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Hey guys, I want to dedicate this chapter to Max4455 because he has been a great reader, and I am so thankful to have him, and all my readers reading this book, and it means a lot to me that you guys comment and vote on this. Thank you max, it means a lot to me! So keep voting and commenting on this!  Now here is your chapter!

Lily's POV

We all get back to the house, laughing and joking around, and I go upstairs, and put all my stuff away, then strip,and get into the shower, relaxing under the hot water. I think about work tomarrow, and what to do if Marlene tried to corner me. I thought about it for a minute, then , while washing my hair, thought about something else.  I was actually scared of Marlene, but I didn't want my family to think I couldn't go to work because of her, they would think I am dumb. I rinsed my hair, then my body, trying to get all the sand out and off of me. I turned the water off, then Stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel. I dried myself off, then walked into my room, and screamed, because there were 4 GIANT pythons on my bed, slithering around.

" JULIO!!!!!!" I screamed, just as my father burst into the room. When he saw the snakes, he froze. " Lily, get back into the bathroom, close the door, lock it, and don't come out until I say so, got it?" He said, in a whisper, " but move very slowly, and don't make too much noise." He also said, and I slowly inched backwards, into the bathroom, closing the door, then locking it. I heard my father leave the room, then I heard him talking to someone on the other side of my door, I couldn't hear what he was saying, but it sounded like Julio was the other person by the sound of his voice. I sat on the floor, and put my head in my hands. Who is trying to kill me?!

I hear footsteps enter back into my room, and I suddenly hear a hiss, from one of the snakes, and i get scared, really scared. " be cautious" i hear father say." These are very dangerous snakes." He also says, and I hear shuffling, then I hear a pop, then 3 more after it. I wonder what's the hell they are doing to those snakes..." I think to myself. I lay my head in the wall, and close my eyes, and fall asleep.

I get woken up by the sound of knocking on the door, then I hear my father." Lily? Sweetie? We have removed the snakes, you can come out now!" He says, and I get up and stretch, then open the door, to see my father on the other side, looking very tired, and Julio by my bed, checking under my covers, making sure there weren't any snakes under my covers, or under my bed. " daddy, I don't feel comfortable sleeping in my bed tonight, can I sleep with Julio?" I ask, but Julio speaks up." Naw, I have Angelina sleeping with me, remember?" He says, and I nod, remembering that Angelina is with Julio now, and they are sleeping together. I wilted, and Julio noticed. " hey, " he said stepping over to me, and tilting my face up to look up at him.

" how about tomarrow night, you can come sleep with me, ok?" He said, and I nodded, throwing my arms around him, and snuggling into his chest." Hey, do you want to come sleep with me?" I hear Josiah ask, and I look at him, then nod, but then I realized I was only in a towel. " get out! All three of you! Let me get some cloths on! I say, and they all laugh, then walk out, closing the door behind them.i scurry around my room, putting my pj's on, then open my door, and see Josiah standing there. " can we watch saw 2?" I ask exitedly, and Josiah looks at me like I was crazy." Uh, sis, do you realize what time it is?" He said, looking at his watch, and I peeked at it. 11;45 it said, and I was dumbfounded. " it's almost 12? Wow, how long did the snakes take?" I ask, opening the door to Josiah's room, and walking to his bed." About a hour and a half, then your shower took about 30 minutes, so.." Josiah said, pulling back the covers for me, and I jumped in.

He got in bed beside me, and I turned and snuggled into his chest." Wow, well then, I guess I will see you tomarrow?" I ask, and Josiah grunted, am I knew he ment yes, so I closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

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