Chapter 4- The Oldest Brother

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hey guys, this is what Julio looks like, I know it is dean from supernatural, don't judge.... Hope you like this!;)

*Julio's point of view*

Hello everyone, my name is Julio and I am the oldest in the Bengazzi family. I love my life in this family and I love my siblings. Including my little sisters Roza and Lilly I stand next to my dad and watches him work. I am going to be taking over when it is time, and my dad has been teaching me the ropes ever since I was old enough to be taught. I don't think about dating much because I think it's a waste of time. Plus I want to be like my dad and find someone like my mother, but so far none of that has worked.

Yes I have been with girls, but none of them fit the bill so I keep searching. "Julio I have a job for you. Do you mind doing it with my men?" dad asks me. I nod my head and my dad smiles at me and pats me on the back before dismissing me after giving me a paper, with all the info I would need on the job that he has for me. I follow my dad's men to the car. I get in the back while one of his men gets in with me and the other gets in front and drives.

As we are driving to the location, I go over the paper and my eyes widen a bit as I read over the instructions. 'My son you have to do a search and rescue mission for me, I know you can do this because your the best and I know I can count on you. One of my old friends daughter has been kidnapped and its up to you to save her. Here are the instructions and the location to the place. I wish you luck my son,' the note says.

I sigh and start to think up plans on how I can get her out of there without anyone getting hurt on our side. I couldn't make any promises on the other side though. After a while we get there and I have a plan all thought out, and I tell the others. Once finished, we get out of the car and head towards the front of the entrance. As I get there I look around me and I notice the guards and the weapons they carry. Dad taught us to pay attention to our surroundings and the enemies that we have to face.

I can't help but have a cold smile on my face as I go over to the guards and I pull out a silencer and I shoot them before they even notice that I am there. I go inside and I keep my back to the wall. I look around. When I see only one guard at the post I shoot him as well and I head to the door. That the guard was guarding I hear a whimper behind the door and I go and open it. When I do I can't help but be frozen in shock on what I find before me.

The girl is chained up and she looks pale and her lips are cracked from lack of thirst and she was covered in bruises. But that's not what has me frozen to the ground it's what she is sitting in, she is sitting in her own blood and her panties are around her ankles. I shake in rage and I go over to her and I talk to her gently. "It's ok, you will be fine I'm a friend of your fathers I am here to rescue you," I say in a soothing voice. She looks up at me and I take off my jacket and wrap it around her then I go back out and gets the keys and I unchain her.

Once the chains fall I look at her. I wanted to pick her up and carry her, but I knew that would be a big mistake. "Is it ok if I pick you up and carry you out of here?" I ask her gently. She nods her head and I pick her up and carry her out of there and I can't help but feel shocked on how light she felt in my arms. I take her to the car and I set her down gently. I am just about to get out of the car When she grabs a hold of my arm. "P-please stay with me please don't leave me alone," she says in a pleading voice.

"Sure honey no problem," I say. I get in the car with her and she cuddles into me and I wrap my arm around her gently. Pretty soon the guys come into the car and we start to head home. After a while we finally make it. When we pull in I get out and I pick her up out of the car gently and carry her inside. I order the men to give me things I would need for the girl including my sister Roza. I knew she would be the best help. I carry the girl all the way to my dad's study. When dad sees me he smiles at me and then when he sees the girl. His face goes cold and I knew that he was mad about the condition the girl is in.

"Put her on the couch in the living room and I take it you already got your sister to come out and help you take care of the girl?" My dad asks me. I nod my head and then I leave dads study and carry her to the living room where Roza is already there and waiting for me. "Set her down and let me take care of her, you go wait outside the room while I get her dressed bro," she says to me. I set the girl down and I am about to leave the room when the girl grabs a hold of my arm again.

I knew without her saying anything that she didn't want me to leave her side. I kiss the top of her head and I whisper in her ear. "I won't be gone long, let my sister take care of you, your safe now. Your in good hands," I say to her. She doesn't say anything back and lets my arm go. I leave the room and wait outside of it. I wait for about fifteen minutes before I get called to come back in. When I come back in I can't help but be shocked on what I saw in front of me.

She was all cleaned up and even though the bruises and the cracked lips were still there she looked absolutely stunning. She was in my sisters clothes. She had on a black tank top and black shorts. The girl looked up at me and I stared at her for a minute, amazed. I walked towards her, and squatted down. "Hi, I am Julio, can you tell me your name?" I ask her. At first she doesn't say anything then after a while she finally spoke. "My name is Angelina," she says shyly. I smile at her and she smiles a little back.

"Well it's nice to meet you Angelina," I say to her in my sexy voice. All girls swoon over it when they hear me talk that way. But it didn't affect her at all which shocked more than anything. I knew right then and there that I was going to make her mines. But I knew I would have to bid my time with her because she just went through something traumatic but I knew she was the one for me. She is the girl that I have been searching for and I didn't even realize it at all. But now the next challenge is to win her over.

----- author's note-----

(I'm going to stop right there and say something. This is Dani Wolf here and please vote for this story this is the first time she has wrote anything. I think it's a really good story so we would appreciate it if you would vote for this story. It would mean so much to us if you guys did. If you do we will read your story and vote for it as well. So thanks everyone for reading it this far hope you all liked it. ^-^) and also, we need at least 5 votes before we give you all chapter 6, ok? Thanks!

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