Chapter 6- Unknown POV

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I was walking towards the kitchen, when I heard Lily scream, finding my masterpiece. I then heard her siblings run up the stairs trying to see what was wrong. I snickered, because it had been easy actually..

---- flash back---

Last night, while she was asleep, I came into her room, walked into her closet, and took all her shirts off the hangers, and cut them up, making sure that they could not be fixed, being very thorough. That took me about 35-40 minutes, since she had ALOT of shirts, and I was being very cautious not to wake her up. I moved on to her pants, also cutting them up, making sure that they also were not salvageable. It took me only 30 minutes for these.

I then moved on to her shorts, but these were harder to cut up, since they were made from some weird-ass material. I almost gave up (key word ALMOST) but I had a voice in the back of my mind saying: DO IT! YOU KNOW YOU HATE HER , SO MESS HER UP! So I kept going. I had the door cracked, so I could watch her, just in case she woke up, to go to the bathroom or something.

I was about to get finished with those stupid-ass shorts, when I felt my nose start to tickle, and I saw her suddenly wake up, get up, and go to the bathroom. I froze, trying to stay quiet, so that she would not come in here, and see me. My nose started tickling even more, and I felt like I was about to sneeze. I plugged my nose, so that I wouldn't sneeze. I heard Lily flush the toilet, wash her hands, and go back to bed. I stayed frozen like that, until I heard her breathing deepen. I then sneezed very quietly, and got back to work on her clothes. I finished with her shorts, and started cutting up her pajamas.

These were easy because they were made from very flimsy material, I know that most of it was silk, and my scissors cut them up without a problem. I moved on to her skirts. I looked at the time on my watch, it said 1:47AM, and I worked a little faster, knowing it would soon be dawn, and I couldn't be caught at this time of night. I cut up her jackets, but her Jean- jackets were WAY harder to cut up. I worked and worked, and I could feel my hands start to get sore from being in such a cramped position for more than 10 minutes.

I finally got all her jackets, and moved on to her underwear and bras. I cut the underwear up, and I also cut her bras open and took out the padding, then cut the material up. I looked around, making sure I didn't miss anything. I hadn't missed a thing, and I patted myself on the back. I took out a piece of paper, and wrote a note:

'Well, I hope you have SOMETHING to wear!'

I put  all her clothes in a messy pile, then folded the piece of paper up, and put it on top. I looked at my watch. 2:44am good. Maybe this will teach that ass-hole whore a lesson! I got up, grabbed my scissors, and my pen, and slowly opened the door, making sure not to wake her up. I slowly closed her closet door, and slowly walked to her door, opened it, and walked out, closing it behind me.

---- end of flashback----

I grabbed an apple, and made my way to the living room, where I saw her oldest brother, storming around. "What's wrong?" I ask, making sure that nothing sounds off with my voice. "Some one cut up all of Lily's clothes! Even her bras and underwear!" Julio said, clenching and un-clenching his fists. "Oh no! I wonder who would do such an awful thing!" I said, making myself sound suprised. "I know right!" Whoever did this, I will KILL!" Julio said, rubbing his face. "Well, I hope you find whoever did this!" I say, putting my hand on his muscular bicep. "Yeah, I hope we do too." Julio says. 

I turn around and walk back into the kitchen, biting into my apple. I finished my apple, and heard the other Bengazzi kids come down, and daryl say: "Hey, Josiah wants us to go meet him for ice cream then take Lily shopping for new cloths, you want to come?" He asks Julio, and both Lily and Roza walk into the kitchen. I walk up to Lily, and say: "Hey, I heard about what happened, I feel terrible for you!" Lily looked down at her hands, then looks up. "Yeah, and I hope we catch whoever did this, I really do!" She says. "Did you find anything salvageable?" I ask, feigning curiosity. "No, whoever did it was thorough, and even cut up my underwear and bras! Can you believe that?!" Lily said, slamming her fist on the counter.

I faked a scowl. "Really! Even your underwear and bra's?! That is horrifying!" I said, just as she grabbed an apple, and bit into it. "I know right?!" She said, just as Daryl walked in. "Hey, you ready Lily?" He said, grabbing a bagel. "Yeah, I am!" Lily said. "Well, I hope you find whoever did this!" I say. "Yeah! That would be a miracle!" Lily said, walking out the front door, with Roza and Daryl, and I hear Julio close the door.

Lily, you will find out soon, you will find out soon.

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