Chapter 7- Having Fun

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*Josiah's point of view*

Hello my name is Josiah and I am the second oldest in the Bengazzi family let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am 22 years old and I am the nerd in the family. I am the one you go to when you need something looked into. I wait for a few moments until I see a car pull up to the ice cream place. I smile as my siblings file out of the car and come over to me. Lily runs over to me and jumps into my arms I catch her and pick her up. I swing her around a little and she giggles.

I set her down and look at the others I was really mad about what happened to Lily's wardrobe so I wanted to replace it myself because she deserves it. "Glad you guys could make it lets get ice cream before we shop shall we?" I ask them. They all nods their heads in agreement and we head to the ice cream parlor they all order what they want. I go over to the cashier and pays for everyone's ice cream.

Once I do that we all sit and eat and don't say anything for a while too busy enjoying the cold goodness of ice cream. Once we are done then I speak up and look at them all. "You guys ready to go clothes shopping now?" I asked them. Roza and Lily both nods their heads really fast and get out of their chairs and runs outside. They start looking at stores already as the rest of us try to keep up with them. "Wow they sure are fast when it comes to clothes aren't they?" I ask my brothers. 

We all laugh and I knew I was going to regret buying her clothes but I really don't care. I love my sister and I would do anything for her to make her happy. Dad taught us to protect the family at all costs nothing is more important than family. I agree with him on that so far none of us have gotten killed being in this life. I know that most people think that the mafia is full of bad people. When that's far from true not all mafia members are bad. There are good ones we are one of them sure this life is dangerous but its worth it.

Finally after a few hours of shopping the girls finally get tired and are ready to go back home. We head to their car and put everything in the trunk. Its a good thing that everything could fit in there otherwise we would be in trouble. I close the trunk and we hang out and talk for a bit Roza and Lily wonder off to the side and start to talk. It seems like everything was going to be great until I heard a screech of tires and I turn around. I look at my sisters and I saw that their eyes are wide and I see the car driving towards them and we all start to run towards our sisters.

We wanted to get them out of the danger fast that's all we thought about but we weren't fast enough and the car makes impact with Roza. Because she was protecting Lily by throwing her out of the way and towards safety. We get there and I stand there horrified and dazed as I see blood plastered in her hair and all over her face. I pull out my phone and start to call our doctor we don't ever go to a normal hospital. There are too many incidences that happened that we can't always explain. "Hello this is Dr. Giovanni who am I speaking too?" asks a older gentleman.

"Hey Giovanni it's Josiah here there has been an accident my sister Roza was run over by a car we need you to come to our house and have a look at her please," I say before hanging up. I pick her up and I carry her to the car and I sit in the back with her and everyone piles in after me. We get to our house a few minutes later and I carry her inside and I see that the doc has already arrived. Ahead of us I go and lay her down on the couch so he could take a look at her.

He has us leave the room and we all wait outside of the room for him to tell us how she is doing. After a few minutes go by he calls us back in and we go in and wait for the news. "Well looks like she will be fine but I need to take her to my clinic and check to see if there is any internal damage. Would any of you would like to come with me?" he asks us. "We are all going with you no way are we going to wait around here to hear news about her," I say. The others nods their heads and agree with me.

I go over to Roza and I pick her up and carry her to the docs car and I lay her down and I get in with her. The others pile into one of our brothers car so they could follow us to the clinic. After a few minutes we make it to the clinic and I set her down on the bed so the doc could do x-rays on her. Along with anything he would need to see about her internal injuries. He makes us go wait in the waiting room for him while he works we do that and wait.

Finally after a few moments of waiting he comes out and comes towards us with a sad look on his face. I couldn't help but feel my chest tighten on the look he has on his face. "Well doc tell us how bad she is hurt?" I ask him. "It's a good thing you called me when you did she had a little internal bleeding but I fixed her up. She only has a concussion and some of her ribs are cracked but I wrapped her up nice and tight and she should be fine. You guys can go in and see her now if you would like," he says to us. We nods our heads and we head to Roza's room.

When we entered I couldn't help but laugh she was trying to look tough. She had a scowl on her face and she was sitting up. Lily starts to cry and rushes over to Roza and crawls in the bed with her, Roza smiles and holds her close and rubs her back gently. She whispers in Lily's ear and she starts to calm down some. I couldn't help but be mad at what the hell is going on and who the fuck would want to mess with our family. First Lily and now Roza whoever these people are they don't know who they are messing with.

It's a good thing I memorized the license plate number before they sped off once we get home I am going to run it through and track the car down. I am going to make them pay. anyone who messes with the Bengazzi family is going to die before they could tell their tale. About getting the upper hand on us. Just as I am thinking this Julio comes over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder and I look at him. "Don't worry whoever did this is going to pay and regret it we will do this together bro so don't worry about it," he says to me.  

I just nods my head and looks at my sisters and then I hear someone clearing their throat and I turn around and sees that it is the doc. "Here are some pain meds for her other than that she is free to go," he says to us. I take what he gives me and I thank him.

*Authors Note*

(This is Dani Wolf here hope all of you liked this chapter. who do you think is messing with their family? Want to know more about it? Just keep reading and find out also please vote for this story it would mean a lot to us if you did. Hope you guys have a great day. ^-^)

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