Chapter 9- Late Nights

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I stand at the top of the stairs listening to my parents fighting. Again.

"What were you thinking Maggie?" My father yells at my mother with no regard to my sleeping younger brother who shouldn't have to be subjected to this.

"I thought. I'd go visit my sister before Jacob got back from school." My mother replies with a loud whisper. If she's yelling you're okay, it's when she gets that voice that you're in trouble.

"Then what were you doing with that man?" He asks her. The hurt in his voice noticeable

"That man, is my sister's husband when he's drunk."

"What were you doing with him?"

I didn't listen for the answer. I'd heard enough. More than enough. I can't believe my mother stayed alone for the whole day and part of the night with my uncle. I also couldn't believe he drank. Then again, as a 16 year old, what do I know? I'm just a kid.

Kelly's light still on in her room as I pass her door. She notices me.

"Connor, is everything okay?" She asks setting aside her book.

"I don't know anymore sis."

"What did mom and dad say?"

"She went to see Aunt Kristen. Uncle John was there. Alone and drunk. I didn't listen to anymore."

"Okay, no go to bed, you've got school tomorrow." Kelly turns off her lamp, "Everything will look clearer in the morning. Night Connor." I can hear her soft friendly smile.

"Night Sis." I head toward mine and Jacob's room. Jacob sits up in his bed when I walk in. "Hey little man, what's wrong?" I ask taking my clothes off and throwing on an old t and gym shorts sitting on my own bed.

"Why are mom and dad yelling at each other? Are they getting a divorce?"

"They're just having a slight disagreement. Everything will be okay in the morning. I promise, now hit the hay. I'll see yo in the morning little man."

"Night Connor." He replies with a big yawn as I turn off the light. "Sandy!" Our big white fluffy dog with her white paws jumps onto Jacob's bed taking up half the room stretching out next to him. "Night Sandy." Sandy replies with a soft gentle growl as they both fall asleep and I lay unable to sleep.

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