Chapter 34- Kidnapped, Again

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Trapped. All I'd done was sit out on the roof below my window. Suddenly someone grabs me, I don't even know how they got up to my window I was on the second floor. Gags me. Blindfolds me. And ties my hands and feet together. What's their deal. I have to be at the church for the Christmas Eve service. Lorrie's singing tonight I'm going to ruin it. All because of whoever the brilliant person driving the car I'm in. They were dumb enough to put me in the back seat for a while and I was banging on the window with my head. I got a bit of a headache from it, but then they got smart and put me in the middle seat. I try to move around as much as possible to attract attention. Hopefully catching someone's attention. If you saw someone gagged and blindfolded wouldn't you be a bit suspicious?

The buzz goes off before I hear a monotone voice, the one that does the kidnapping comes on, "Missing Child Report: Local seventh grader Nicolette Janet Scott and Jacob Michael Adams both reported missing at 435 this afternoon. She was last seen wearing jeans and a Forever21 pink top. He was wearing a Tennessee University jacket, jeans, and a black t-shirt. If found call ***-***-****." That's me! They're looking for me! The buzz goes off again and the car goes back to playing loud obnoxious rock and heavy metal. I've been trying to get my hands out of the rope behind my back, but it's really strong.

"et e ot!" I beg the driver.

I hear nothing except a click. The music dies, "One more peep out of you and you'll be like that forever." I quickly shrink back after I recognized the voice. Someone kicks my seat as the Rock music goes back on.

"Ehoh.(Hello.)" I hear a familiar voice by my ear.

"Aye.ob?(Jacob?)" I ask quietly

"Eh.(Yeah.)" i get my answer.

"ats oin ohn?(What's going on?)" we have to be silent. This person's a monster.

"I on oh.(I don't know.)"

"I arred.(I'm Scared.)"

"e oo ikki. e oo.(Me too Nikki. Me too.)"

I lean back and feel his head. I try to find his gag blindfolded and when I do I try to slide it off his mouth. With no hands, teeth, or eyes it's just a tad hard. I think he finally figured it out because he turned his head and i found the knot tying his gag with my chin I mange to push it so it's in his mouth he some how manages to use his teeth and tongue to untie it and quickly grabs my blindfold with his teeth pulling it off as gently as he could. He then proceeds to take off my gag. I use my teeth to take off his blindfold and we're sitting with a seat between us staring at each other.

"Are you okay?" He asks me almost silently. We're in a car that's like a taxi, there's a divider between my seat and the driver. Awesome!

"Yeah, you?"

"Just dandy. I'm not buckled in. I'm going to slide under your seat and we'll try to untie each other."

"You're going to have to unbuckle me first. I cant get my arms from behind my back."

"Easy. Move your feet so i can slide beneath your seat." He instructs, I quickly tuck my legs under me. I see him slither beneath the seat and turn to face me. sits on the same side as the buckle and undoes it slowly. "Do you know who's driving?"

"The same guy that did the last time." I answer. Jacob sends me a worried look as he sits behind me and tries to untie my ropes. "Let me try to get you untied. I'm really good with knots." His hands stop moving and I fumble around to find the knot. When I do I carefully. Trace the knot with my fingers to figure out where each piece was. I quickly figured out how to untie his wrist. I then feel him carefully untie me. We both untie our ankles. Jacob reaches over me. He looks at the speedometer. 45 mph. He reaches over and carefully unlocks the door next to me. Good thing it's a grassy hill on my side. Traffic on the other.

"On three." he says, "1..." he grabs the handle, "2..." he pulls it, "3!" he yells pushing open the door and pushing me out falling out and we roll down the hill. He somehow managed to kick the door closed in the process. "Ow." he whimpers. I see the car disappear in the distance.

"Jacob!" I quickly crawl over to him. The man driving long gone. I wonder when he'll notice we're gone. "What did you break or cut or bruise?" I ask him.

He moves his arm revealing a long gash on his leg. "It got caught when I fell out of the car. Following you. It knocked the door closed though."

"Come on." I tell him grabbing my sweater and tying it around his leg, above the gash, "Are you wearing a belt, we've got to stop the blood circulation to your leg until we can get it properly attended to."

"Uh," He begins, "Yeah." He undoes his belt and hands it to me. "Here."

I fix the belt tightly around his leg and help him up. "Let's try to get back to the main road." I put my arm around his waist to support some of his wait so he wouldn't put any pressure on his leg. He hops along side me as we make our way back along the road. Lorrie's going to kill me. We've got to get help for Jacob before he loses to much blood. I see an Ambulance and I frantically wave it down. It almost passes us. It quickly turns on its lights and pulls off to the side. Two paramedics get out of the van. One of them speaking into a walkie talkie. The other comes over.

"We need help." Jacob says. His breaths coming out in pants, "My leg got caught on the car door as we got out."

"Why were you coming out of the car on the main road?" Asks one of the paramedics as they take Jacob and pick him up placing him on the stretcher.

"The driver was trying to kidnap us." Jacob answers. "He had us tied up and gagged, hands, legs, eyes, and he's supposed to be in jail."

"What's your name kid?" The second asks as the first tends to Jacob, he's looking right at me.

"Nikki Scott."

"What's your given name?"

"Nicolette Scott."

"And his?" He asks writing down my information.

"Jacob Adams" I answer.

He looks up. "Nicolette Janet Scott?" He asks. I nod. "Jacob Michael Adams?"

"Jacob, what's you're middle name?" I ask him.

"Michael." He answers, "And yes, we're the kids that were kidnapped. That's why were were coming out of a moving car."

"Excuse me for just a minute, then we'll take a look at you make sure you're okay." He pulls out his car radio. I hear half of his side of the conversation.

"Dispatcher, EMS 16 to Dispatcher... We found the kidnappies... On the side of West Side Park Rd."

"Nik," Jacob calls motioning me over.

"What's wrong Jacob?" I ask him curiously.

"I ruined your sweater, Sorry." he says.

"It's okay. I'm glad you're okay though. That's more important. I didn't really like it anyway." I answer, "Not really my style. A little to plain Jane. And it's black. You know I always preferred color." I answer. "It's too much like my mom."

"How are you dear?" The Paramedic asks me finishing bandaging Jacob's leg.

"Just a little exhausted." I answer. "And disappointed, my sister had a solo tonight at our church. She was performing for the Christmas Eve service. It's because of me being kidnapped that she wouldn't have performed."

"I'm sure she'll understand." The paramedic tells me.

"That's the problem though. she shouldn't have to understand it." I sigh sitting down to let the Paramedic take my vitals. Jacob looks over giving me a reassuring smile. I smile back halfheartedly. It was going to be a long night.

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