Chapter 13- Science Time

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I walk into science and immediately find Lorrie standing on crutches, leaning against a desk talking to Johnny, schools infamously jerky, cocky, arrogant jock. Star point guard on the varsity basketball team. Thinks he owns the world. Immediately I'm overcome by a sense of jealousy and anger. Why does she even talk to him? He's a jerk to everyone. She has textbooks out, maybe it's just a last minute tutoring session. The teacher comes in and class begins.

"Good afternoon class." Ms. Lawrence says, "I need you all in groups of four. Make wise choices, or I will be making and changing them for you." The class breaks into groups leaving Lorrie, two new kids and me.

"Lorrie," I walk over to her, "Do you want to work together?" She gives a polite nod and a smile and the two new kids walk over. Patrick, who's oddly in all of my classes, and a girl that seems to know Lorrie. "Lorrie, this is Patrick, he's new. Patrick, Lorrie."

"Nice to meet you Patrick." She says before introducing the girl, "This is Rose, she's new as well." Rose and Patrick exchange a knowing look and for some reason, I think they're hiding something. Something below the surface, that we're not supposed to figure out, but it makes me curious as to what it is that they could possibly be hiding.

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