Chapter 29- Snowed In

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Nikki's doing a lot better now, but part of me can't help but worry. Something had to have happened there to get her that frightened. Lorrie walks back into the room as the lights go out. A crash heard not a moment after.

"Lor!" Benny calls out into the dark room.

"I'm fine." She calls back, "My crutch just slipped, again."

"Do you need any help?" Benny asks.

"No, Just need to find the couch." She answers, I hear shuffling on the ground, shortly after a smart phone goes on and ducks around the couch. The light illuminates her as she settles back on the couch. "Thanks Johnny." She says. The embarrassment noticeable in her voice.

"No problem." He answers.

"Looks like the power's out for the night." Benny says. "I'm going to hunt down the flashlights, lanterns, and candles."

"At least we still kinda have a fire going." Lorrie says, "Without the heater the house will gets so cold we're going to need Eskimo coats just to stay warm. Especially with the snow outside."

"Do you have anymore logs for the fire?" Johnny asks, "I can build it up some more."

"I'll go get them." Nikki volunteers, Johnny's phone light flickers over to her as she jumps up and carefully makes her way to the stairs. Benny comes back with a lit flashlight and a few oil lamps, lanterns, and candles. Nikki takes one of the flashlights from him and continues her journey.

"Do you think she can get in?" Benny asks lighting all the lamps and putting them high up so we can't knock into them. He turns on the lanterns and puts them on the ground so we can see where we're going. He hands each of us a flashlight.

"One can only hope." Benny answers.

"It's locked." Nikki comes back down and sits with us.

"The power outage blew the system." Lorrie says worried exchanging a worried look with Benny.

"Doesn't mother keep extra logs in the master?" Lorrie asks.

"Yes!" Benny answers excitedly, "I'll go get them." He stands and looks to Lorrie, "Sis, you really are brilliant."

"I'll help." Nikki volunteers following Benny with her flash light. Benny wraps his arm around his little sister. Finally she was doing much better.

"I should probably explain some things to you three." Lorrie says turning to the three of us, "There's no way for you three to get out of the house until the power comes back on. Our mom has this place wired like a store. Keys pass-codes. The doors lock automatically with lock combinations that can only be accessed with an access code. We keep the security minimum while we're here so we don't have to use all the keys and pass-codes. Our mom will wires this place like crazy when she's here. The key pad to unlock the front door is in the basement and the one to unlock the door to the basement is locked. No one is getting in or out." Lorrie looks nervously between us, as if she expects one of us to blow up at her.

Much to my confusion Johnny's response is more funny than upset, "Well, it looks like you're stuck with all of us until your powers back on." Johnny jokes. Since when was this guy nice to Lorrie?

"It's late, we should probably go to bed." Lorrie says, "The guest room has two beds, Connor, you and Jacob can stay there for the night. Johnny, Nikki normally stays in my room and uses the trundle. You can stay in Benny's room and he can crash in her room for the night."

"She may just want some space." I point out, "She might want to stay in her room tonight."

"One can only hope her fear isn't permanent." Lorrie speaks quietly to herself, the lantern illuminates the worry on her face. Johnny reaches over and lays his hand on hers with a comforting smile.

"It's going to be okay." He assures her. Who is this guy? This isn't the "I'm the guy who rules the world." That walked in the door earlier today.

"Got them!" Benny and Nikki return both carrying an armload of wood a piece. Johnny quickly stands and takes Nikki's load of wood putting it down by the fireplace and starting to build back up the fire. The fireplace lights up the room and fills it with the heat. "Why don't we all just camp out down here?"

"Like a sleep over." Nikki asks excitedly, "Like when daddy would come home and we'd all sleep on the floor?"

Lorrie gets a sad distant look in her eyes. I ask myself where their father could possibly be. What's wrong with their finances. Their mom owns a law firm. They live in a huge house. They should live an upscale life. Not working their childhood away to pay bills. Things their parents need to be doing. What does Nikki really remember of their parents, when it seems as if they're never home.

"Exactly like when dad would come home." Benny answers a sad smile on his own face, "Lets go get the supplies Nik, Connor, Jacob, care to lend a hand?"

We follow Nikki and Benny upstairs to the darker part of the house where you can tell the temperature drops drastically.

Lorrie and Johnny's voices are quiet in the background of our steps.

"What is with that guy?" Benny asks himself, "A jerk one minute, kissing Lorrie the next." Whoa he kissed her? Nikki and Jacob continue to gather supplies as Benny stops me.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Do you think I'm a jerk for not wanting my sister dating Johnny?"

"Honestly? No." I answer, "He's been a jerk, but I think Lorrie's actually happy."

"I don't understand that guy." Benny mutters as he tosses a few blankets to me, ught them immediately. "Nice Catch," Benny says grabbing more blankets and pillows. "Let's go."

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