Chapter 39- Date Night

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"Hi guys!" I beam at my promising high school dance students.

"Lorrie!" They all greet happily.

"As you guys know, the studio's show case is this coming Saturday." I begin. "Are you all ready to show me your dances?" They all nod enthusastically. "Alright, who's first?"

After a long practice to ensure that they're all comfortable with their dance routines and ready for the upcoming showcase I'll call it a day. The students gather their gym bags and begin filing out.

"So, boyfriends back in town yeah?" Justine one of my newer students asks.

"Yeah, he is, we're about to go out for a date later." I answer her.

"My boyfriend just got back from basic training too, that's how I knew." She answers, "Just in case you were curious"

"What branch?"

"Same as yours. Air force." She answers.

"How did you, never mind." I tell her. The students around here love to gossip. They're always talking about one thing or another. I guess they talked to her about Johnny.

"Yeah, the girls were talking in the other room the other day."

"Your routine was brilliant." I tell her as we walk out. She thanks me as she gets into the passenger seat of the car next to mine. "I guess I'll see you both on Saturday."

"Thanks again Lorrie." Justine says. The guy behind the wheel kisses her hand before pulling out of the parking lot. Boyfriend.


"Johnny! Lucas! Nikki! I'm home!" I call setting my gym bag in the laundry hamper to take downstairs the next time I went to do clothes.

"Hey Lor," Johnny whispers in my ear hugging me from behind. "How was dance?"

"The students are magnificent." I gush, "They'll deffinetly be ready for their showcase this coming Saturday."

"How would you feel if I signed up for one of your classes?" He asks.

"Dancing isn't really your thing, and I don't want you to do it just so we can see each other." I tell him.

"Could you give me private lessons from home then? I want to learn to waltz and ball room dance."

"Private lessons I can do." I tell him. "First one tomorrow afternoon when I get back from class." I tell him. "I have to shower and change, but we can leave when I get done."

"Great," He grins mischivously, "Then I'll finally have you to myself."

"Calm down tiger." I tell him patting him on the chest.

After a much needed shower I'm standing in the room I share with Nikki staring at my closet in a bathrobe.

"What about this?" Nikki asks holding up a hot pink vintage dress. One that I hadn't worn since sophomore homecoming.

"You think it still fits?" I ask her holding it up to me.

"Only one way to find out." She says. What's to lose? I head to the bathroom and lock the doors and change into it, it still fits! I walk out and she grins. "Now that silver infinity ring that Johnny gave you and the lock necklace and key earrings would be perfect. They'll accent the sliver in the design around the waist."

"You sure you still want to be a stylist?" I joke putting on the jewlery that she suggested after brushing back my hair. I put my pink headband in it. "You don't think I'm too pink do you?"

"Hon, there's no such thing as too pink for a girl." Nikki tells me, "Now if Benny wanted to wear this, I'd be worried."

"I would too, our brother would not look good in this dress." I joke with her. She rolls her eyes with a smile. A knock sounds at the door.

"Now I wonder who that is." Nikki grins. "Come in!" She yells.

The door opens and in comes Johnny with black dress slacks and a sports coat grinning like crazy.

"How did I get so lucky." He asks with a grin.

"I guess your desperation for a tutor payed off." I answer grabbing my black clutch/wristlet.

"I guess it did." He answers offering me his arm. "We'll be back by curfew." He calls over his shoulder as we walk out of the apartment door.


We'd been walking around the park by the apartment for over an hour. After an amazing dinner at Olive Garden. Johnny was acting nervous figiting with his coat sleeves.

"Johnny are you okay?" I ask him, I stepping in front of him putting a hand on his chest.

"I'm fine." He gives me a reassuring smile pulling me into his arms for a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck. "I need to ask you something."

"Anything." I tell him resting my head on his chest listening to his heart beat.

"I know we're still young, but I love you with all my heart." He begins he's whispering in my ear his arms still wrapped around my waist. "I want to spend my life with you. With Lucas too. Will you Lorriana Scott, do me the honor of being my wife?"

He steps back getting down on one knee holding out a simple silver dimond ring.

"Yes, yes of course!" I answer hugging him. He kisses me softly while slipping the ring on my finger. I loop my arms around his neck. "I love you too Johnny." I tell him as we stand our foreheads resting against each other. "When did you have time to get the ring. You've only been back a few hours."

"Benny helped." Johnny admits. "I looked up rings when I got the chance in catalogs he sent me. I sent the mail order and he kept the ring in my room after he picked it up a few days ago."

"I don't want anything big. Just Nikki, Benny, Lucas, Connor, and Jacob."

"Next Saturday we can go to the courthouse and get married. They'll have a licence and everything there." Johnny suggests.

"Let's run it through Benny first." I tell him.

"Anything as long as I can spend forever with you." He answers. He always gets cheesy when it's just us too. "We can finalize adoption papers for Lucas while we're there."

We're in for a long two weeks. But it'll be worth it.

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