Chapter 18- Cinderella's Dance

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I quickly head out to the car with my brother as we race too go pick up Nikki. "Benny, I'm so sorry." I apologize as we both race to the car. We both climb in throwing our things into the backseat leaving enough room for Nikki to sit. "I had to help Johnny, then when the bell rang, as usual he darted. I had to turn in papers, shelve the books, and finish cleaning up after him."

"We've got five minutes to go three miles, we''re good," Benny says starting the car. "Did he pay you today?" He asks

"Yes." I tell him pulling out the check his parents wrote us for 400 dollars. "Enough for groceries, and paying a few bills." I tell him putting the check in my pocket making a mental note to cash it when I get the chance and to pay off some of the bills. "I'm so glad it's Friday." I tell him breathing a sigh of relief as we pull into the middle school carpool just in time.

"Me too. I've had enough school. I just need a break." Benny agrees when we finally make it to the pick up. He has to work all weekend, so his break is consisting of busing tables, bagging groceries, and taking meal orders at his two jobs. Nikki bounds up to the car with a huge smile climbing into the car excitedly.

"Hi Benny. Hi Lorrie." She chirps excitedly, "Can I go to the school dance tonight?" Nikki asks, "Jacob and some of our friends are going. They want me to come."

"Did you get mom's permission." I ask not that it matters, she wouldn't care either way. But if she needs a ticket, that's another problem.

"I left her a note asking and she said I could on the note."

"What time?" I ask.

"530-7." Nikki chirps back excitement radiating off her.

"Sounds okay to me, what about you Ben?" I ask looking at Benny who nods his approval as he drives out of the parking lot.


"Ben, I'm ready!" Nikki calls from the kitchen, "Lor, do I look okay?"

I look up from the history book I was studying for Johnny's tutoring session later. Nikki stands before me in her scarlet red dress flaring at the knees in the front and down to her ankles in the back. A black belt around her torso. Her black hair and her sterling silver earrings and a silver pendant a gift from our father when she was just a baby. This Nikki in front of me a complete 180 from the one that spends her days in shorts, and graphic Tees.

"Nik, you look lovely." I tell her standing and grabbing my crutches, "You'll be the Cinderella of the ball. Don't move, I want to get a few pictures." I head to the office to get the camera. I bring the camera and begin taking pictures. Nikki even gets into it and poses for a few of them. "Mom's going to love these." I tell her as Benny comes downstairs and grabs his keys from the front table by the front door. He stops dead in the middle of the hallway.

"Who's that!" He asks pointing at our sister, she grins bashfully, "And what has she done to our precious sister?" He asks me as I readjust my crutches.

"Benny, its me!" Nikki exclaims, "Is it too much?" She becomes suddenly nervous and fidgety.

"Nik, don't listen to him." I assure her, "He's a lunatic male and doesn't know what he's talking about. You look beautiful. Right Benny?" I prompt him looking at him sternly.

"Gorgeous." He says, "Now let's get Cinderella off to her ball."

"Okay, come on Lorrie." Nikki says, "You're coming too."

"Wish I could Nikki, but I have to get ready for Johnny, he's coming over for a tutoring session in a few minutes." I apologize to her. "He's got a huge history test Monday."

"Now, let's not disappoint Cinderella Lorrie." Benny says, "Besides, I don't want you home alone with him." He waves the keys in my face. "Let's go."

"Okay, fine." I give in putting the camera down on the table and fixing my crutches again, "I get no rest." I mutter to myself as we all head out the door. I hope the car starts.

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