Chapter 26- Please No

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That address rings clearly in my mind as clear as the day I first heard it. "They can't be there." I repeat to myself. They probably are there. Why can't she be somewhere else?

"Why, who lives there?" Benny asks me again, I refuse to answer fixing my crutches I don't make eye contact and try to think of a way to wake up from this horrible nightmare.

"Maya's father. A drunk and druggie." I finally  tell them. Benny's eyes widen, Connor looks petrified and they both go pale. Benny recovers quickly.

"I thought that Maya's father was a de-" He starts.

"That's her step father," I explain, "Look if they're there, they didn't go willingly." I head over to the waiting chairs in the station and sit down propping the crutches on the wall. Benny takes the chair next to me and swings it around so it was in front of mine sitting down as calmly as he could. He places his hand on my knee, a reassuring gesture from my brother.

"It'll be okay, Lorrie." Benny says, "God's watching over them, both of them."

"If only we had gone to pick her up on time." I speak what's on my mind. "We shouldn't have let her go to that dance." I tell him hanging my head in defeat. Benny's hand lifts my chin so I'm eye level with him.

"It's going to be okay," he says firmly. His eyes showing he believes it, but he's still hesitant about it too.

"My dad found them." Connor says walking over, my eyes fix on him as he stuffs his phone into his pocket, and walks over to U.S.. "He's bringing them in, along with the home owner."

"Is it a divorced man?" I ask sitting up in a sudden wave of alertness.

"Didn't say. Sorry." Connor answers sitting next to me, "Did you two want anything? Food? Drink?"

"I couldn't eat even if I wanted to." I admit looking back down at my lap and closing my eyes.

"Lorrie, look." Benny says, I look over to him and he's pointing to the doorway to the station, standing there is my sister, a boy who must be Jacob, and three men; two cops, one of which must be Connor's father, and a man in cuffs who must by Maya's father.

"Benny! Lorrie!" Nikki's voice comes out in waves of musical panic. She looks over to U.S. and her eyes show how desperately she wants to be with us. To race to us. I feel a similar urge to race to Nikki and take her in my arms. At least it looks as if Nikki and Jacob are okay.

"Miss Scott?" the police officer who walked in with Nikki walks over to Benny and I.

"Yes Officer?" I answer. He motions for me to follow; I grab my crutches and follow him.

"I'm Officer McKinley. Officer Adam's partner." He introduces. "Are you aware that your little sister has been with a wanted criminal?"

"Wanted! Wanted for what?" I exclaim in shock. Though, I probably know the answer.

"Drugs, Thief, DUI's, Harassment, Vandalism." Officer McKinley says listing what was on his tablet.

"She hasn't been charged has she?" I ask him. "She hasn't done anything, right?"

"Not this time, but she's witnessed something's. We need her to testify in court to lock him away."

"She can't she's only a kid!" I protest.

"Miss Scott, it really isn't up to you. If she is willing, will you allow her? Actually, will your mother allow her?"

"You could take the three of us to Tokyo and our mother wouldn't care, she'd probably thank you and pay the airfare." I tell him with an angry laugh.

"So could you get her to sign the consent forms?" Officer McKinley asks.

"We never see her, she works 18 hour days."

"What about weekends?"

"She's not even taking Christmas off this month."

"Your sister is a minor; she needs parental consent to testify. What about a father?"

"He's somewhere in Europe indefinitely on business."

"I'm sorry, thank you for your time your free to take your sister home now, we'll look for another way to lock him up."

"Thank you officer." I head back over to check on Nikki, my crutches slipping on the wax floor. I fly backwards.

Two hands reach for me and keep me off the ground. "Are you okay?" Connor asks helping me back to my feet making sure I'm steady. I'm once again face to face with his bright green eyes and his silky brown hair, covering his left eye completely.

"I'm fine." I finally answer readjusting her crutches and heading off around him. Praying my embarrassment isn't showing.

"Real smooth Lorrie" Benny whispers in my ear, I can feel him grinning.

"Nik, you okay?" I ask her. Nikki doesn't answer, "Nik?"

Nikki stays silent, but throws her arms around me knocking me off balance again, and causing me to drop my crutches. Benny's hand steadies me by resting on my back "I'm so sorry I lied." She cries into my coat. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay Nikki." I tell her, "It's over, it's all over." I look at the clock above the door to the holding cell. "Let's go home."

"Connor," Benny's voice startles me out of the moment. "Let's go, we're ready." Benny's hand drops from my back and my crutches return to my sides.

"Okay, we'll stop by the gas station on the way." Connor answers heading out the door with the young boy that walked in with Nikki by his side, "Come on."

I head after them but Benny stops me. "Nik, we'll catch up in a minute." He says, "Go wait with Connor and Jacob."

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